Should I go fixed or variable, purchasing affordable home on my own

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Hi All
Any help would be appreciated:

Could somebody please give me advice on whether i should opt for fixed or variable on a 189k mortgage. Im buying this property on my own and its hard to know what to do when you only have the bank to answer your questions. i have no idea which one is best, the fixed is for 5 yrs at 5.23%??

Also, can anyone tell me what exactly i have to get wit the mortgage:

- mortgage repayment protection ( i know this s optional but im going to get it as im a single purchaser) im being quoted 40euro/month for this does anyone know anywhere cheaper or is this good value)

-mortgage protection insurance - do i have to get this?? or is it recommended?

- house insurance will be paid separately as its an apartment block

anything else im forgetting cause its all a bit overwhelming!!

Thanks in advance :)
When i bought my first place just over 5 years ago, rates were "as low as they were going to go" so i fixed 90% at 4.99% for 2 years (despite my mothers advice to go variable), the ECB rates dropped another 1.5% costing me about €10-15k over that period!

No-one knows the answer but why dont you hedge and split the mortgage between fixed and variable/tracker?

Personally i would go with a tracker.
Do a search for the MANY existing threads on the whole fixed versus tracker/variable question. Bear in mind that there is another ongoing thread suggesting that you cannot switch lenders on an AH property without facing penalties. Not sure if this is correct and if it applies in all situations but make sure you know what rules apply in your situation before choosing a lender and mortgage package.
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