Web design



Looking for someone to design a website for a legal firm. The website will be interactive whereby clients can monitor their cases by entering a client specific pasword etc. Has anyone any idea of the costs involved, any recomendations. The legal firm is very new and very cash sensitive.
Be very careful about the bid you accept... lots of cowboys out there and if you get one it will be open season on your customers details....
I would recommend Peter and Gerry at www.newOdyssey.ie They created a pretty simialr system for a company I look after (different industry).

However, as jhegarty points out, for such sensitive information as a solicitors office they should sit down and ask themselves is saving a few thousand euros by going with the cheapest system worth it if the system is compramised?

If they are that cash sensitive would not be easier to hold off on the case update system and just have the secretaries field the calls from clients?