Re: Rental Property
Hi Landlord,
I think a lot of investors (probably mistakenly) aren't looking at property in purely commercial terms.
I have acquintances who are getting into buy-to-let property today even though they realise they're buying at the top of the market and that tenants are thin on the ground.
One friend put it to me like this. He's got €50,000 to invest in a €300,000 apartment. Even with no capital appreciation, he'll have an asset worth €300,000 when the mortgage is eventually repaid.
I haven't got the software to work out an internal rate of return, but my friend is convinced his €50,000 wouldn't achieve the same return over the same time scale in the stock market or anywhere else. He is also confident he has the surplus cash to subsidise the mortgage repayments when/if the apartment is empty.
Something tells me his logic is fuzzy but I haven't been able to deliver the knock-out blow to his argument. Can abyone enlighten me?