Hey Guys,
I get a bit confused between Initiative and scheme so apologies if I've got this wrong - we're in the process of buying in Ongar...Phibblestown...
I was very worried about this...when we first started cost price was 345k, mv was 465k
After MUCH wrangling with the council/ahp by us, and seemingly one or two others who bought off the plans, prices came down to 440k, price 320k, but sure, that raised our clawback....its still totally unrealistic but we can't afford a similar house privately, even with the drops at the moment, and by the time we have to sell, we'd hope to be in a better financial position, one where we could bridge the gap (hopefully!) - short term gain...but not ness long term benefits!
Apparently cause of all the questioning, every units cost or market value has been reduced...so we're a bit better off than before!
Am I on about the right side of affordable housing!?!?