DVD Player/Nintendo on aeroplane?

There were a couple of DVD players on a charter holiday flight I took recently. They couldn't be used during take-off/landing. Didn't see any games though.
I travelled recently with my two year old niece and our lives were saved by a portable DVD player! Cannot be used on take off or landing but other than that there was no problem! Not sure about the Nintendo though!

Just been on Air Europa (our carrier) web page &according to the following neither will be permitted. My 8yr old edgy about flying & I was hoping to keep her Nintendo from her for couple of days prior to flying so it would be novelty & distract her on plane. Now have to change my plan of action. Any suggestions???? Can anybody explain how these items can be used with some carriers and not with others. Surely if they interfere with the "aircraft's electronic devices" in one plane they will do the same in any plane!!!!

A) It is specifically forbidden the use of:
- Mobile phones.
- Amateur radio stations (CB, HF, etc.).
- Compact disc players (CD) or DAT.
- Laser printers or CD- ROM.
- VCRs.
- Transistors or scanners.
- Electronic games or radio control devices (remote controls).

B) It is allowed to use:
- Hearing aids. - Pacemakers. - Electronic watches.

C) Apart from the critical fazes of the flight (while the seat belt sign is on) or during the safety procedures demonstration, it is permitted –at the captain’s discretion-to use the following devices:
- Computers, peripherals & accessories (except for CD-ROM/laser printers).
- Electric shavers.
- Radio receivers (FM).
- Programmable calculators.
- TV receivers.
Ultimately, the carrier can do what they want, but it is strange that such a policy varies.
That list doesn't exclude DVD players?

What we do for flights is save films on to the hard drive of our laptop, so no disc used. It also is more efficient for the battery. Not sure if this is an option for you.
Thinking of buying one of these things. Can I ask a couple of questions.
How long does the battery last on the portable DVD player and is it possible to recharge them via a mains connector. Can I record from the T.V. on to disc and then play the recorded disc? I'm thinking of heading off for a month over the winter and saving a few of my favourite programmes for playback while away. Anyone recommend a not too expensive player?
Thinking of buying one of these things. Can I ask a couple of questions.
How long does the battery last on the portable DVD player and is it possible to recharge them via a mains connector. Can I record from the T.V. on to disc and then play the recorded disc? I'm thinking of heading off for a month over the winter and saving a few of my favourite programmes for playback while away. Anyone recommend a not too expensive player?

Great inventions altogether. If battery is fully charged you should get bout 3hrs viewing out of it. Battery fully rechargable via mains connected. Yeah can record onto disc and they play but make sure disc is DVD+RW. Otherwise you will need to "finalise" cd when you have recorded on it and this means that you cannot record on it again. Took me a long time to realise why CD I recorded on would not play in portable DVD player or playstation. Bought mine in Xtra Vision for 149euro and came with 100euro worth of rental vouchers. Some good deals around the place.
Thanks Happy Girl. Sounds good to me! Can you get two ear pieces so that two people can listen at the same time while on the plane?
Can you get two ear pieces so that two people can listen at the same time while on the plane?
Sometimes they come with a splitter. Otherwise you could probably pickup a splitter in Maplins or some such retailer for a few bob.

BTW. My lads never have, or had in the past five years, any problem using a Gameboy, Gameboy Advance or Nintendo DS on a variety of airlines both scheduled and chartered. All you need do is ask the cabin staff. I have a feeling that what you read has been OBE (Overtaken by Technology)
BTW. My lads never have, or had in the past five years, any problem using a Gameboy, Gameboy Advance or Nintendo DS on a variety of airlines both scheduled and chartered. All you need do is ask the cabin staff. I have a feeling that what you read has been OBE (Overtaken by Technology)

Rang Air Europa this morning just to confirm what was on web page and girl could not tell me for sure. Said I should ring travel operator. Rang Budget Travel who said there should be no problem using either of them. Confusing.
For what it's worth ... if I recall correctly they usually request that any devices with wireless capabilities (e.g. GSM, Bluetooth, 802.11 - not sure about infrared) remain switched off or in flight mode (i.e. wireless capabilities switched off). Not sure if certain handheld games consoles etc. are affected by this?
For what it's worth ... if I recall correctly they usually request that any devices with wireless capabilities (e.g. GSM, Bluetooth, 802.11 - not sure about infrared) remain switched off or in flight mode (i.e. wireless capabilities switched off). Not sure if certain handheld games consoles etc. are affected by this?
Which would mean that your kids should not turn on their DS Lite's wireless facility or their PSP's wireless facility.
Considering that the next generation of planes are using Ethernet networks to control all their systems, do you really want little Johnny watching DVDs on this own player or playing wireless multi user games. Anyway the latest seatback entertainment system have well over 100 films/tv programs/cartoons and multi users games built in.

Which would mean that your kids should not turn on their DS Lite's wireless facility or their PSP's wireless facility.

Maybe that's not a bad idea. Imagine if one of them is playing a flight simulator game & the signal overrides the controls of the plane. Very nasty indeed.....
Which would mean that your kids should not turn on their DS Lite's wireless facility or their PSP's wireless facility.

Is it ok just to play games on it. Surely the wireless facility is idle when just playing games. Am I correct? Really need help here folks cos have to deal with my own terror of flying and need the kids to be entertained. To be fair not demanding kids and they say grand if they cannot use them but I would be happier if they were distracted and not aware of the turmoil their mother is in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also want to make sure we are adhering to all safety regulations.