Swedex windows in Receivership


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Re: Building a House - Windows

Windows at the moment are the vein of my life!!

Was going to go with Swedex, but have just heard they have run into difficulties (assuming finanical), so with such uncertainty will probably start the search for an alternate provider.

Has anybody else heard of Swedex problems. FYI: Was told this information by their rep, so there must be some level of truth.

Hope this "info"? is of use to anybody else. Havent yet contacted swedex directly but suspect they wouldnt confirm such info.

Re: Building a House - Windows

Hi Suzie

You are right, it looks like Swedex has gone into receivership or gone bankrupt. I have done some research and found that the windows are made by an Estonian Company called Aru Grupp.

They have been supplying timber windows to Ireland for the past 6 years, and seem very nice people to deal with.

Re: Building a House - Windows

Can anyone confirm exactly what the story is with Swedex? We've a patio door on order with them, due for delivery the first week in April. Don't like this receivership talk one little bit :(

Will give them a buzz on Monday, but a heads-up would be good.
Re: Building a House - Windows

Yes, Swedex have gone into receivership. If you've ordered any windows and they have arrived in Ireland then you should be ok. If they are still with the manufacturers then you're at higher risk.
Re: Building a House - Windows

Can anyone confirm exactly what the story is with Swedex? We've a patio door on order with them, due for delivery the first week in April. Don't like this receivership talk one little bit :(

Will give them a buzz on Monday, but a heads-up would be good.

Yes. They are in financial difficulty and either a receiver or liquidator is involved – the person who told me this is not exactly sure who is involved. Prior to this disaster, I had a really excellent communications link with the employees with whom I dealt in Swedex - they returned or answered calls or e-mailed promptly and were always very helpful. I was going to write a positive report when my goods arrived!

My goods (internal doors) were in the shipment that was not allowed go through at Dublin the weekend before last. My last positive communication with the company was on the 13 March when I was informed they were help up in customs and could take a week to be released.

I was in contact with Swedex on the 20 and 21 March on a number of occasions. They put me through to the voice mail of the person with whom I was dealing at that point. She did not return my calls. I found this very strange. I had a sinking feeling especially after she had previously mentioned that my goods were help up at customs. I was expecting the worst!

On Thursday 22 march the phone line to Swedex had a message stating that they were experiencing technical difficulties with their phone lines and to leave a message. But there was no facility to leave a message.

I immediately contacted my credit card company. I am currenty drafting my dispute letter.

Section 14 Sale of Goods Act:

14.—Where goods are sold to a buyer dealing as consumer and in relation to the sale an agreement is entered into by the buyer with another person acting in the course of a business (in this section referred to as a finance house) for the repayment to the finance house of money paid by the finance house to the seller in respect of the price of the goods, the finance house shall be deemed to be a party to the sale and the finance house and the seller shall, jointly and severally, be answerable to the buyer for breach of the contract of sale and for any misrepresentations made by the seller with respect to the goods

Alastair did you pay by credit card?

Hope this may be of benefit to others.

Re: Building a House - Windows


My post just crossed with yours.

If you've ordered any windows and they have arrived in Ireland then you should be ok. If they are still with the manufacturers then you're at higher risk.

What is the situation here? How long would it take?

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Re: Building a House - Windows

Alastair did you pay by credit card?

Thanks Marion,

Yes, I paid the 50% deposit with my credit card. I'd really appreciate a copy of your letter to the CC company, as I'll obviously need to folow suit. If they've gone into receivership I hold very little hope of anything making it's way into the country.

My experience with Swedex was mostly fraught btw. The rep was the most unprofessional guy imaginable, and the showroom arrangements were a joke. Getting a quote took literally months, and then they contradicted themselves on the solidity of quoted delivery dates. The product seems good though, and we were doing our own fitting, so I figured they couldn't mess me about much more - seems I was wrong.
If you have paid by credit card, the credit card company must refund you if your goods don't arrive. They don't like doing this, and occasionally they refuse, but they are obliged to do so. Just send off the letter and see what happens. I would imagine that the Consumer Director will get involved with this and make sure that they do so.

You should call the liquidator's office. He is Michael McAteer of Foster McAteer - 01 6761139 to find out the official position regarding the delivery of products.

I don't know if the company simply manufactures the product to be installed by someone else, or does it do the installations as well?

If your particular windows or doors have actually been made up, he will presumably deliver them and seek payment. Your main loss in this case would be that you would have virtually no redress if you find problems with the windows later. You may have some sort of a guarantee, but no one to enforce it against.

If they have not started making them up or if they have only part manufactured them, then he is unlikely to finish them off and you have lost your money, unless you have the credit card option.

Is someone buys the assets of the company as a going concern, they just might finish off the manufacture of products which are part made already. But I would imagine that this would take months to sort out.

Re: Building a House - Windows

if they hadn't gone bankrupt i would make a complaint against them to the Consumers' Association of Ireland and the Swedish Embassy in Dublin for being so misleading,
For the record, the Consumers Association of Ireland is a toothless tiger. They have no power, except naming & shaming through press releases.

See [broken link removed].
Thanks for the additional info folks!
Spoke to a friend who runs a consumer centre last night and she also confirmed that section 14 is the solid basis for seeking compensation from the CC company under these circumstances. Given that I had a delivery date of the week beginning 2nd of April, it could well be the case that my patio door is manufactured and sitting in Estonia, so will check with the liquidator tomorrow in case they do intend shipping manufactured orders to the original buyers.
Brendan and RainyDay

Thanks for the information. I will contact Michael McAteer's office tomorrow.

An update for anyone interested...

The liquidator is looking for copies of creditor's invoices etc to be faxed through - they're only doing first site visit today and establishing what's what, and who the creditors are. They'll write to any creditors they find within the next week, but it might take a month to establish what's going to happen re: following up on existing orders.

The credit card people were very obliging (nice surprise). They'll cough up the deposit money unless the liquidator choose to follow through with orders/deliveries or (flying pig moment) pay back the bottom feeder creditors. They were clear however that I'd be re-imbursed one way or another.
Just caught this thread. We have some doors on order via Swedex recommended installer McMahon + Nagle, with whom all of our dealings have been. I am not clear on the relationship between these companies, and they are exceptionally poor on communication. Names deleted. Please don't name particular individuals in companies - Brendan

Does anyone else have experience of them?
Just caught this thread. We have some doors on order via Swedex recommended installer McMahon + Nagle, with whom all of our dealings have been. I am not clear on the relationship between these companies, and they are exceptionally poor on communication.

Does anyone else have experience of them?

guess you didn't search the forums before using that company - read here : http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=31033

also mcmahon & nagle are just an agent for Swedex so any problems sewdex have will be passed onto mcmahon and nagle - you may have some coneback from mcmahon & nagle however !
I rang the Aru Grupp factory in Estonia. 003723295640. They did not make my doors! Anybody with a query should ring Aru Grupp. They are very helpful.

My doors should have been made in Sweden. I'm having it investigated by Dooria at the moment.

Nothing is ever simple!

I had considered Swedex, but found them very difficult and disinterested. Not surprised they are in liquidation. I used a wonderful company called Vrogum. Windows are not exactly cheap, but they are the ones I want, cheaper than Swedex and give a brilliant service. I used an agency in Clonberne, Galway, - FGH Property Services
Hello All,
I'm a new member here but thought I'd share my experience with swedex.
We ordered several windows and doors for an extension, paid 50% deposit up front and the delivery was to be about 12 weeks. Arrived pretty much on time, paid the balance after they were fitted and I have to say we are very happy with them. They only completed this a few months ago. I suppose if we have problems with them in the future then thats now our own problem, since they have gone bust.
From what i understand from news reports and a company being in liquidation, if you have paid deposits for orders not already delivered then you are not going to get a: your products or b: your money back, since it sounds like there are a few million euro in losses/accounting errors. This is obviously unless you have insurance against something like this or have paid using a cc or perhaps if you ordereds through a third party....?
A terrible situation if you are doing building/ an extension, not only because of the money but also the time delays since you now have to find another supplier and order and these companies usually have long lead times.
I was contacted by the Liquidator’s office this morning (having faxed in relevant details yesterday morning) and it appears that there is a queue of people claiming ownership of the goods – suppliers, transport companies etc.

They will contact me again – within the next week or so when the picture is clearer.

I doubt now that I will see my doors.

Plan B (Claim from the CC company) will kick into place when I get written confirmation from the liquidator.
