Liam D Ferguson
Most Frequently Asked Questions
Brendan Burgess' Guide to Mortgage Repayment Calculations
Preparing for a mortgage application
I am thinking of trading up, but keeping my old house as an investment
History of ECB rate
House buying
Should buying a home be your financial priority?
Should I buy or continue renting? July 2014
The costs of buying a house
How to deal with estate agents
Guide to Buying a House at Auction March 2011 Brendan Burgess
Buying a House with a Friend - Draft Agreement
Useful background information on the legal work involved in conveyancing
Snag Lists
A guide to selling your home
Applying for a mortgage for the first time
Getting a mortgage if you're self-employed
Advantages and disadvantages of using a mortgage broker
What happens if you get declined for life insurance? Liam Ferguson May 2013
Which is the best mortgage calculator?
Trading up or moving
Preparing for a mortgage application
Selling your house and buying another
House too small for my family - what are our options?
Tracker mortgages issues
Should I overpay my tracker mortgage?
Questions about mortgages not related to changing houses
Should I overpay my tracker mortgage?
I live abroad, should I buy a home in Ireland for when I return?
Non-Resident Mortgages for Irish abroad
Home Loan Reversion and Equity Release for older people
What to do if the seller has lost the title deeds Carmel February 2013
Mortgage Protection and Mortgage Repayment Protection Policies
House Insurance
Online house and contents insurance
Key Post - "Overpaying my mortgage - should I reduce the term or the monthly repayment?"
This question comes up in a variety of ways and the threads often go off topic with irrelevant calculations. The interest charged each year is exactly the same - we will return to this. Reducing the repayment is simply reducing the payment you are contractually obliged to make under your...
Key Post - Overpay mortgage or contribute to pension or do something else?
This comes up in a lot of different threads, so I will set out some principles here to kick off the discussion. I will edit it in the light of feedback. There are many options with your savings in excess of your emergency cash fund Pay down your mortgage Build up a fund to enable you to trade...
Brendan Burgess' Guide to Mortgage Repayment Calculations
Preparing for a mortgage application
I am thinking of trading up, but keeping my old house as an investment
History of ECB rate
House buying
Should buying a home be your financial priority?
Should I buy or continue renting? July 2014
The costs of buying a house
How to deal with estate agents
Guide to Buying a House at Auction March 2011 Brendan Burgess
Buying a House with a Friend - Draft Agreement
Useful background information on the legal work involved in conveyancing
Snag Lists
A guide to selling your home
Applying for a mortgage for the first time
Getting a mortgage if you're self-employed
Advantages and disadvantages of using a mortgage broker
What happens if you get declined for life insurance? Liam Ferguson May 2013
Which is the best mortgage calculator?
Trading up or moving
Preparing for a mortgage application
Selling your house and buying another
House too small for my family - what are our options?
Tracker mortgages issues
Should I overpay my tracker mortgage?
Questions about mortgages not related to changing houses
Should I overpay my tracker mortgage?
I live abroad, should I buy a home in Ireland for when I return?
Non-Resident Mortgages for Irish abroad
Home Loan Reversion and Equity Release for older people
What to do if the seller has lost the title deeds Carmel February 2013
Mortgage Protection and Mortgage Repayment Protection Policies
House Insurance
Online house and contents insurance
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