I hate cats


Registered User
can anyone advise how to keep cats out of my garden. They seem to enjoy spraying and crapping pretty much where they like. Obviously a dog would work, but thats not a feasible option at this time!! The only thing that works for me at the moment is pegging stones and spraying with water, but that only gets rid of them when they're in the garden it doesn't keep them out!!
I don't suppose the option of getting your own cat is an attractive option for you? I've heard that leaving orange or lemon skins around will deter cats. There are also some commercial products - dunno how effective these are.
how about I just hang a cat??

only joking Dr Strangelove!!

I've tried Cattoff..its just cat! might try the waterbottles.......but I most certainly will not be getting my own moggy!!!
Supervalue were selling "Scent Off Gel" earlier in the summer.

[broken link removed]

There are a few other products on that website too.
Do you see they've produced the hypoallergenic cat now? Roll on the days when they can breed one to carry it's own pooper scooper and bring the crap home with it!!!
Thanks, I tried one of those repellants before to no avail! Someone recommended that I leave out a saucer of milk and put some of the repellant into it..........apparently you'll never see the cat again!!!!
My neighbour waits for them and then turns on the hose!! They never come back. Cruel but effective. Now they all come into my garden.
A water pistol or a hose would be a non-harmful way of making the cat think that your garden is not the place to be.
Also, imagine the fun, sitting at your bedroom window, highly camoflauged, waiting...
Dr Moriarty, you should be careful using that catsuit as your camouflage...you might find all the local toms queuing up to have a go at you!!!!

I would also like to thank The Banker for the excellent suggestion and for taking time out from his busy schedule working Deal or no Deal!!!
I heard that to get rid of cats put bottles full of water around the garden. It seems that the cats don't like the smell of stagnant water. Never tried it but could be worth a try
They don't particularly like vinegar either. Too strong for their sensitive noses. But don't go throwing it at them, that would be cruel, might work leaving little dishes with it around or spraying around the house/walls...
I see my tounge in cheek post about shooting cats has been removed by the moderator...
Can anyone give a reason why?