Custom made clothes




Just wondering if anyone knows of any shops in Dublin that make underwear to your own spec? - men and womens

A big welcome to AAM's 'new member of the week'...! :eek: :D

Curious2, what kind of specs did you have in mind, exactly...?
Dr Moriarty - Not the type of spec you seem to be implying. Rather its for a fancy dress party. Was thinking of getting something made with an elephants trunk in the front - i'd be going as the Elephant man you see. All tongue in cheek and a bit of fun!! Did your mother never tell you not to judge a book by its cover?
You can get mens underwear that have elephants trunks in Ann Summers - they also make a noise!
The Naughty Knicker Shop or one of the sex shops on Capel Street might be able to help you. Or so a friend told me...