Just got this from surfing the web. Do check out the details for yourself.
In general:
1) A cash advance is cash, traveller’s cheques or foreign currency obtained by using the Credit Card
2) Forgein currency transactions will be converted, to the euro, by the banks at the exchange rate when they recieve the order for payment.
3) If the transaction is a forgein currency cash advance, the FX admin fee AND the cash advance fee will apply.
4) A transaction is defined as a purchase, balance transfer or a cash advance made by a cardholder.
5) Visa is much more widely accepted than MasterCard (Dipole)
[broken link removed]
Non-euro withdrawals: 1.75% commission
A full cash advance fee will apply if after the transaction the account is in debit or payment not recieved after 25 days. C'ant find how much the fee is.
Travel accident insurance when you purchase your travel tickets in full with your Ice Visa. T's and C's apply.
[broken link removed]
Handling charge for cash transactions: 1.5% with min €1.90/max €31.74
Foreign exchange credit card transactions outside the Eurozone are charged at a rate of 2.65% with 1% cash back given as part of your next statement.
[broken link removed]
Cash advance: 1.5%/min €2.54
Over credit limit: €8.50
Foreign-currency transactions: administration fee 2%
[broken link removed]
Cash advance 1.5%/ min €2.54 (Does not apply if account in credit)
Outside the euro zone
1.75% of value of transaction
[broken link removed] (See T's + C's)
Cash Advance fee: 1.5%/min €2.54 whichever is greater.
Transactions outside the EU i.e. "cross-border handling fee": 1.75%
[broken link removed]
Cash Advance fee 1.5%/€1.90 whichever is greater.
Over limit charge: €2.54
FX Transactions:
Visa (Europe): 1.75%
Visa (Rest of World): 2.75%
Mastercard (Europe): 1.75%
Mastercard (RoW): 1.75%(AIB charge) .25%(MC charge)
No currency conversion fees apply on euro transactions.
Can't find any [broken link removed] fees/charges.
[broken link removed]
Over limit fee: €7
Handling charge for cash advance: 1.5%/€1.90 which ever is greater.
Forgein currency transaction: 1.75%
Cash advance 1.5%/min€2.54/max€31.74
Forgein currency commission 2.65%
Overlimit fee: €12.70
Free travel insurance for 1 year from when a\c is opened.
Cash advance 1.5%/min€2.54/max€31.74
Forgein currency commission 2.65%
Overlimit fee: €12.70
Tesco CC (See Ts + Cs)
Over limit charge: €6.35
Cash advance: 1.5%/min€1.90
FX transaction: 1.75%
The final word from the good guys [broken link removed]
Any other details I should be looking for?
In general:
1) A cash advance is cash, traveller’s cheques or foreign currency obtained by using the Credit Card
2) Forgein currency transactions will be converted, to the euro, by the banks at the exchange rate when they recieve the order for payment.
3) If the transaction is a forgein currency cash advance, the FX admin fee AND the cash advance fee will apply.
4) A transaction is defined as a purchase, balance transfer or a cash advance made by a cardholder.
5) Visa is much more widely accepted than MasterCard (Dipole)
[broken link removed]
Non-euro withdrawals: 1.75% commission
A full cash advance fee will apply if after the transaction the account is in debit or payment not recieved after 25 days. C'ant find how much the fee is.
Travel accident insurance when you purchase your travel tickets in full with your Ice Visa. T's and C's apply.
[broken link removed]
Handling charge for cash transactions: 1.5% with min €1.90/max €31.74
Foreign exchange credit card transactions outside the Eurozone are charged at a rate of 2.65% with 1% cash back given as part of your next statement.
[broken link removed]
Cash advance: 1.5%/min €2.54
Over credit limit: €8.50
Foreign-currency transactions: administration fee 2%
[broken link removed]
Cash advance 1.5%/ min €2.54 (Does not apply if account in credit)
Outside the euro zone
1.75% of value of transaction
[broken link removed] (See T's + C's)
Cash Advance fee: 1.5%/min €2.54 whichever is greater.
Transactions outside the EU i.e. "cross-border handling fee": 1.75%
[broken link removed]
Cash Advance fee 1.5%/€1.90 whichever is greater.
Over limit charge: €2.54
FX Transactions:
Visa (Europe): 1.75%
Visa (Rest of World): 2.75%
Mastercard (Europe): 1.75%
Mastercard (RoW): 1.75%(AIB charge) .25%(MC charge)
No currency conversion fees apply on euro transactions.
Can't find any [broken link removed] fees/charges.
[broken link removed]
Over limit fee: €7
Handling charge for cash advance: 1.5%/€1.90 which ever is greater.
Forgein currency transaction: 1.75%
Cash advance 1.5%/min€2.54/max€31.74
Forgein currency commission 2.65%
Overlimit fee: €12.70
Free travel insurance for 1 year from when a\c is opened.
Cash advance 1.5%/min€2.54/max€31.74
Forgein currency commission 2.65%
Overlimit fee: €12.70
Tesco CC (See Ts + Cs)
Over limit charge: €6.35
Cash advance: 1.5%/min€1.90
FX transaction: 1.75%
The final word from the good guys [broken link removed]
Any other details I should be looking for?