How did everybody miss that fact that there is a clawback provision in the new legislation. All the seminars, all the experts and nobody mentioned the clawback.
And who would advise anybody to even apply for insolvency under the new legislation. It's more draconian than the bankruptcy rules it was supposed to sort out. 20 years is a lifetime. What kind of messed up society are we that we set out to change something that was considered horrendous to replace it with something that will tie people up in knots for most of their financially productive lives. Originally we were told that after 3 years people would be able to start again. And we debated it on here and thought that was reasonable, and more lately it's been stretched to 6 years and now this weekend we hear 20 years. What on earth is the point of that. And this is after people have been suffering for the last 5 years at least. We've had people on here on AAM in despair, we all know about the suicide, another awful one currently in the news and we're on here telling people to wait for the legislation. And it's a total nonsense.
The best thing is to go to the UK and get it all done and dusted in about a year and a half. Steve Thatcher, who has gone on holidays must be laughting himself today at the Irish authorities complete incompetence in drafting legislation. Those that held off going to the UK must be sick with worry.
And who would advise anybody to even apply for insolvency under the new legislation. It's more draconian than the bankruptcy rules it was supposed to sort out. 20 years is a lifetime. What kind of messed up society are we that we set out to change something that was considered horrendous to replace it with something that will tie people up in knots for most of their financially productive lives. Originally we were told that after 3 years people would be able to start again. And we debated it on here and thought that was reasonable, and more lately it's been stretched to 6 years and now this weekend we hear 20 years. What on earth is the point of that. And this is after people have been suffering for the last 5 years at least. We've had people on here on AAM in despair, we all know about the suicide, another awful one currently in the news and we're on here telling people to wait for the legislation. And it's a total nonsense.
The best thing is to go to the UK and get it all done and dusted in about a year and a half. Steve Thatcher, who has gone on holidays must be laughting himself today at the Irish authorities complete incompetence in drafting legislation. Those that held off going to the UK must be sick with worry.