Too little an increase it seems judging by my miscalculation....
If a house LPT is €600 p.a. and the LL is on the top rate of tax then the rent should have increased by €1.200 which would still mean no added income for the LL.
Every cent of this €1200 to the govnt in LPT and income tax - none for the LL. Pretty fair ,eh? And pretty stupid of me to only add €600.
However, my tenants are not obliged to pay any extra rent if they don't wish . I give six months notice of any annual rent increase with a choice to vacate the property if they cannot pay that increase. That also seems pretty fair.
Obviously, the tenants are not asked to pay Revenue bills -like LPT - directly to Revenue, nor are they asked to pay the plumber directly for repairs to the boiler, or the shop for new furniture etc
But tenants are liable to pay the rent and the rent must cover costs . If one of those costs is LPT then obviously this must be included in the rent.
How the LL addresses rent increases depends -as I say in a previous post -on the LL. The LL can just raise rents with no explanation or, as I prefer, can explain certain costs to the tenants.
Either way the LPT will be charged to the tenants; it is naive to expect them not to.
The exceptions , those LLs who'll absorb the costs, will be from ..
a)LLs who are making enough income that they're happy to absorb the extra cost, or
b) LLs who will make a loss on letting their properties. Sadly, there are too many of those ,especially the reluctant BTL owners who think any rent is better than nothing just so they keep up the interest payments to the bank.
I don't fit in either category.