And drugs might indeed explain the explosion in crime rates, but it doesn't explain the geographic localisation - why does so much of Dublin's drug crime come from a small number of Dublin postcodes?
Isnt it fairly understandable/obvious, i.e. (& without trying to stigmatise/overgeneralise ... though necessarily I must now proceed to do so to make my point.....)
-Poor areas, for some perhaps not great family structure, inter-generational unemployment (if you've never seen the benefits of work to those who care for you, who live aroud you, it isnt something so obvious to strive for), probably a bit of alcoholism thrown in here and there, lack of facilities, lack of social cohesion, feeling of 'the whole world is against me/us' -e.g. you cant get an interview based on your address, lack of hope..... (slipping into melodrama here), plus you condense many persons in this situation into tight geographical areas.
Anyway, all this leads to why people might reach for an escape, being drugs, we may not like it but they do have the effect that you get high, your problems dissappear temporarily, you feel great ..temporarily.
However, drugs cost money, you arent working, you are now addicted - you crave a fix, how are you going to pay for it???, crime.
If you live in a salubrious part of south Dublin you may still feel some disaffection (dont we all, whah??) but if you can pay for your drugs then you dont have to resort to crime to fund it. So you dont pose as many problems for society, and as you are 'diluted' in your geographical area you are less visible.
So all the above which, before anyone points this is out, is I accept more or less a statement of the bleedin' obvious (as the expression goes), explains why those postcodes fill Mountjoy.
The question is does detrimental circumstances make it ok to choose 'the wrong path'? - I dont think so, it may be the easier path, but what path to anything worthwhile was ever easy?
The sad thing is this, and I've spoken to a guy who has had this said to him - is that they are parents whose attitude is "my father never worked, I never worked, and I dont want my child to ever work" - so if a parent doesnt want their child to ever improve their circumstances what chance does that child have?