Marlborough Rd, Dublin 7 ( off NCR)


Registered User
Hi Guys,

Does anyone have an advice on the above area? It's just off the N.C.R in a quiet little cul-de-sac and about 15 mins walk to Pheonix Park. We're looking at a place there but just need to see what people think of the area. From walking around it it seems very quiet ( other than the busy NCR)

That cul-de-sac itself is, by and large, very quiet.

You're very close to some disadvantaged areas - O'Devany Gardens, Drumalee and Dunard, and that stretch of the NCR is bedsit land, a real mix of transient characters. Still, I reckon you'd be very unlucky to encounter much hassle. If I was walking towards town from here, I'd go down Oxmantown Road through Stoneybatter.

Pheonix park is on your doorstep - closer to 5 mins than 15 I would have thought.

Tesco is close by and Stoneybatter is good for pubs and restaurants.

I'd take this over your previous choice in North Strand in a heartbeat.
You do get some odd characters on the NCR. Someone may be able to confirm, but I get the feeling there are some hostels/halfway houses etc up along that stretch going off the people I have seen walking and congregating around there.
Never had any problems along NCR or Stoneybatter when I lived near the area.

Looks like a really nice cul-de-sac. I'd give the local Garda a call to check on issues in the cul-de-sac with robberies, anti-social behaviour but I'd say it'd be fine.

Biggest issue is likely to be with annoyed hipsters who bought there 5 years ago and are jealous of you getting the place so cheap.
I get the feeling there are some hostels/halfway houses etc up along that stretch going off the people I have seen walking and congregating around there.

You are right about this, but it wouldn't bother me too much in this context.