If you have a current account with BOI you may have noticed since their change of terms you are paying current account fee's again (or more of them)
I find myself in that situation where they clawed back a fairly modest €8 in the last quarter, but still annoying when up to now I could avoid that by maintaining a certain balance ( the old rule was €500 as I recall)
So on the statement showing fee breakdown I was charged for 5 ATM/Debit Card transactions, As I don't operate either an ATM or debit card on the account, I queried this by calling B365 ( no answer from my local branch as usual). B365 staff admitted they were baffled by this also and promised to investigate and call me back.
I received a callback from my local branch about an hour later. Apparently 5 payments I made from my current account to my BOI Mastercard were counted as "Card transactions". Does this sound legitimate / within their own rules?
Interesting side note, As I have met the requirement to lodge a minimum of 3K to the account over the quarter, I queried if I had not paid enough bills from B365 ( 9 transactions required) to anyway qualify for free banking, according to the branch a quick tot showed only 8 transactions. I asked if I wanted to couldn't I just split a couple of my bill payments into two to qualify. I was told, "Oh yes, I have seen some customers move a euro back and forward between accounts a couple of times to qualify for free banking, and that works". This IMHO is laughable. After 25 years with BOI, I am now actually considering putting myself through the pain of moving my current account (and then closing all other accounts with BOI), The only thing that is really stopping me is I think it could be a lot of hassle.
I find myself in that situation where they clawed back a fairly modest €8 in the last quarter, but still annoying when up to now I could avoid that by maintaining a certain balance ( the old rule was €500 as I recall)
So on the statement showing fee breakdown I was charged for 5 ATM/Debit Card transactions, As I don't operate either an ATM or debit card on the account, I queried this by calling B365 ( no answer from my local branch as usual). B365 staff admitted they were baffled by this also and promised to investigate and call me back.
I received a callback from my local branch about an hour later. Apparently 5 payments I made from my current account to my BOI Mastercard were counted as "Card transactions". Does this sound legitimate / within their own rules?
Interesting side note, As I have met the requirement to lodge a minimum of 3K to the account over the quarter, I queried if I had not paid enough bills from B365 ( 9 transactions required) to anyway qualify for free banking, according to the branch a quick tot showed only 8 transactions. I asked if I wanted to couldn't I just split a couple of my bill payments into two to qualify. I was told, "Oh yes, I have seen some customers move a euro back and forward between accounts a couple of times to qualify for free banking, and that works". This IMHO is laughable. After 25 years with BOI, I am now actually considering putting myself through the pain of moving my current account (and then closing all other accounts with BOI), The only thing that is really stopping me is I think it could be a lot of hassle.