Hope someone can advise please. Background: 200k mortgage 7 years ago, all fine. 4 years ago I broke my back so husband had to give up work to look after our 2 SN children. Got into arrears (16K)but have been up to date for the last year. Had a phone call from the mortgage company(BOS) about 1 month ago. They said they saw we were doing well with repayments and that they might be able to help us "go back to 0.00" with the arrears. I couldnt get a straight answer from them as to where the arrears where going. They said it wouldnt be going on the term or on the monthly amount. I got a bit nervous at this as surely it has to go somewhere. They just said send back I&E form, 6 months statements and signed consent(I have no idea what the consent is for and cannot get any info) We are on a tracker mortgage and I dont want to mess about with it! Anyone have any idea what they are up to? Surely the aren't just "forgiving" these arrears? They wont give me any further info in writing and got very cross on the phone when I quizzed this. Many thanks in advance