Tried to go on to my NIB eBanking today and was met with an Important Information notice as follows;
Effective from 23rd Sept 2010
We have amended our eBanking terms and conditions to incorporate the fact you can now use your eBanking user ID and password (4 digit pin) to access 24/7 Telephone Banking and to identify yourself when you call us.
To avail of these services and to continue using eBanking, you must confirm that you have read these and agree to them by clicking register below.
To gain access to eBanking you must agree to the terms and conditions which will apply to your use of eBanking.
Below you will find links to the relevant terms and conditions.
General terms and conditions
Special terms and conditions for Direct Banking
Special terms and conditions for receipt of documents in electronic mailbox.
You must confirm that you have read these and you agree to them by signing below. (Your 4 digit pin is your electronic signature) You have to put in the pin and click on sign.
I didn’t sign it, particularly as the new general terms and conditions apply to all products and services that you avail of from NIB (Including Trackers) I don’t know what has changed in this 10 pages of small print.
I think this is a bit heavy handed by NIB, sign that you agree to these new terms and conditions now or you don’t have eBanking.
Has anyone else got this when they tried to log in today ?
The new terms and conditions can be found here under Special Terms and Conditions - Direct Banking, Effective Date 23rd Sept 2010.
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Effective from 23rd Sept 2010
We have amended our eBanking terms and conditions to incorporate the fact you can now use your eBanking user ID and password (4 digit pin) to access 24/7 Telephone Banking and to identify yourself when you call us.
To avail of these services and to continue using eBanking, you must confirm that you have read these and agree to them by clicking register below.
To gain access to eBanking you must agree to the terms and conditions which will apply to your use of eBanking.
Below you will find links to the relevant terms and conditions.
General terms and conditions
Special terms and conditions for Direct Banking
Special terms and conditions for receipt of documents in electronic mailbox.
You must confirm that you have read these and you agree to them by signing below. (Your 4 digit pin is your electronic signature) You have to put in the pin and click on sign.
I didn’t sign it, particularly as the new general terms and conditions apply to all products and services that you avail of from NIB (Including Trackers) I don’t know what has changed in this 10 pages of small print.
I think this is a bit heavy handed by NIB, sign that you agree to these new terms and conditions now or you don’t have eBanking.
Has anyone else got this when they tried to log in today ?
The new terms and conditions can be found here under Special Terms and Conditions - Direct Banking, Effective Date 23rd Sept 2010.
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