Map showing route to house


Registered User

I dont know if this is possible but im looking to get some maps printed showing directions from the Walkinstown Roundabout to my actual house (for a party in Sept) does anyone know how to go about doing this???

someone here last week just did a print screen of a map from Cork Corp. website of maps. Then they just drew a line on it to show the path to follow.
Is the [broken link removed] of any use? Or Google Maps (enter "Dublin, Ireland" in the Search field and then zoom/pan around as required.

Update: sorry - I assumed that you were looking for online maps but now see that perhaps you were more interested in how to get these printed up. Not sure if what I posted is of any use but I'll leave it just in case.

oysterman - I have split your comment out into another thread just so that this one does not get sidetracked.
thanks for the replies, Clubman checked out both those links but not quite what im looking for

Legend99 that sounds perfect, any idea on where i would get one for a Dublin suburb, have tried dublin city council but no luck
Related to this subject, anyone know where to get any good overhead shots / aerial photos of Cork on the internet?
Gringo78 said:
Related to this subject, anyone know where to get any good overhead shots / aerial photos of Cork on the internet?

You could download the Google Earth program, all of Ireland is covered in low resolution and then there are a few areas in higher resolution such as North Dublin and IIRC parts of Cork. In the higher resolution ones you can make out individual houses, blurry cars etc. (& the planes at Dublin Airport)