RTA: engaged my own solr, now ins co say that Im covered with ins co solr.

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Hello everyone,

I am hoping someone can shed some light on this issue for me.

Basically I was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago and the guards said both parties were to blame.

I received a solicitors letter from the 3rd party in relation to this matter wanting me to accept full liability.

To cut this story short I visited a solicitor who gave me advice and sent out 4/5 letters and and told me he would look after everything.

I questioned him on fees and he said I will not be charged a penny as he was so sure I would win.

I found out today that I am covered by my insurance company to use a solicitor that they provide. I rang the original solicitor and told him that I wanted to use the car insurance solicitor as I am out of a job and they will cover all expenses.

He told me there will be charges for the work that has been carried out etc etc. The letters would have been sent Tuesday and today Thursday I told him. Does anyone know what are my rights? Or how much can I be expected to pay?

Would appreciate any advice.

Please as I am panicking about money at the moment!
Re: Solicitor fees-help needed

Sorry to hear about the accident.

The solicitor is entitled to be paid for the work done / costs incurred to date. Only the solicitor concerned can quantify what was done and put a price on it.

When you take out an insurance policy you need to familiarize yourself with the steps you take after an accident, who you engage with and what you admit to as taking inappropriate steps could jeopardize any case you might have. In general, the insurance company negotiates on your behalf and provides legal representation.
Re: Solicitor fees-help needed

Thanks for your reply. Yes I think I just panicked when I received the solicitior letter. Would you have any idea as to how much he would charge for letters being sent and a 15minute meeting? I know every solicitor is different however even a minimum and maximum figure would give me some idea.
Thanks again.
Re: Solicitor fees-help needed

why do you think the solicitor you have never met from your insurer's panel will do a better job for you than the solicitor you have? are you being asked to pay your current solicitor any money on account?
Re: Solicitor fees-help needed

i dont know who will do a better job however the other soliocitor told me its a win no fee basis however the case is very complicated and I cant take that risk. Whereas the insurers are covering all costs if I go with their solicitor.
Re: Solicitor fees-help needed

the insurers covering "all costs" is obviously great...

...if that's actually what they are going to do.

I'd suggest asking what outlays you are going to be asked to fund as the matter goes along, aside from your legal fees as such.

you may end up in no better position with this new solicitor than with your current one is the point. indeed if your current solicitor is operating on a "no win, no fee" basis, and the new solicitor is going to be paid irrespective of what level of service you get, one might argue that your current solicitor is in a position of being more motivated to give you a good service.

The actual "risk" that you are afraid of is the risk of losing the case in any event, and being hit with the Defendant's legal costs - you're not covered for that until you take out another insurance policy specifically (which may or may not be advisable)

but look - solicitors are no different than any other service provider, choose whoever you want
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