Cheap Solicitor


Registered User
I know I've seen a Post here before regarding cheap solicitors?I looked at Home buy Home sell but you need to be a credit union member.Any others out there that could be recommended?
Have you tried the search facility available from the navigation menu near the top of the page?
Just be careful not to let money be the deciding factor in picking a solicitor.
I went for a cheap solicitor (that was recommended by one friend) over another solicitor that friends and colleagues used many times just because of price......

What a mistake........... I won't go into details because I would have to use foul language.

Just a warning!!
I think it depends on the complexity of the purchase (im assuming your buying?).
I went for Dermot Deane & Assoc. - (someone whose praised here by many) - on price. But i'm buying a 4 bed semi in a development - its fairly straightforward....and given that the contract I signed leaves me on less than firm ground - it would take an awesome solicitor to make up for this. Given the market conditions, i'm sure most have signed contracts that could end up being less than favourable..

If your the sort that wants to be able to ring up your solicitor on a whim - then these guys are the wrong choice. However, email contact works very well - I actually prefer it this way as the written word provides more clarity, a written record of issues and the opportunity to consider things fully before responding. They always get back with a return email within the working day and the process has been ************************* with them so far.
These are the top 3 to my knowledge:

1) Dermot Deane Ph: 01-2314600 €850+vat
2) Mary Keane Ph:01-4100775 €900+vat
3) HomebuyHomesell Ph: 1890-509505 €999+VAT

Note: rates could be out of date
Shouldn't all those prices be €850/€900/€999 plus outlay plus VAT? The outlay will add quite a bit to the total bill, maybe the same again as the professional fee specified.
I have just been through this process through Homebuysell

Quoted 999 plus vat pus outlay

Paid 1,599 for my sale
Paid 2,400 for my purchase

Found the service good had a problem on the sale side and the solicitor really stepped up a gear and got things sorted .Found correspoding through email easier.

All in all everthing went well .

Got a lot of quotes from solrs abd homebuysell were the best .Shop around though have to heard excellent reports on Dermot Deane he was to far away for me to use.

Best of luck

We have just been through this whole process with Dermot Deane - to buy and sell cost €3140 - including VAT

Solicitor 2178
Disbursements 117
Lender charges re fees and mortgage 109
Registration Duty 88
Searches 148
Mortgage duty 500

Our TOTAL costs to move house - including all fees - was €4811 - we did not use an estate agent.

The other costs were:

Advertisement 96
Valuation 127
Bridging Interest 588
Surveyor Report 545
Removal expenses 315
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jessie and my2leftfeet,
many thanks for posting that information.

I rang those 3 numbers you posted to get quotes, thanks as well.. FYI..Mary Keane is no longer at that number and they didnt have a forward.
we are dealing with one at the moment on the malahide road he quoted us €1200 plus vat plus outlay he was recommened by a family member that uses him for business and his hose purchase. so far he seems to be very good always returns calls and very helpful his name is niall corr i dont have the number at hand but i would say you will get it in the yellow pages if ya wanted to give him a try and see what he says
This is money for old rope for solicitors - how can they justify such fees for doing so little. The solicitor PA does the work for them, if anything should crop up that is not familiar with the PA then will get the someone in the practices to look at it for them takes about 1-2 minutes also this will not be a fully qualified solicitor, it would be someone doing their articles.

Originally Posted by PINK
.....and his hose purchase.

Christ we don't have to use them when we want to by ourselves a bit of hose now do we ?

Sorry i was a bit tired when i was writing that post it should be HOUSE (easy mistake to make)
Far be it from me to defend solicitors but ..... I'm paying €2500 plus outlay and VAT to my solicitor for sale and purchase combined. Both transactions are fairly straightforward and he always returns my calls promptly. I think the fee is pretty fair as I've been on the phone to him countless times and will have had 4 or 5 face-to-face meetings with him when all is finished.

At least the solicitor is a qualified professional who can be held accountable if he doesn't do his job properly. I am paying my estate agent about double the legal fee and while he did sell the house without too much problem he didn't have to go to too much trouble to do it, he was no great shakes at returning phonecalls, I never felt like he was really on my side, he didn't spend 7 years and a small fortune qualifiying and has very little accountability.

I totally agree with you estates are purely an introductory agency and they do not work in the interest of their client or the buyer but what can we do about them? Anyone can set up as an estate agent the only qualification that they need is to be a good con person when showing people around. Some of the will not even insure their staff to show people around from abroad therefore missing a potential purchaser but do the care NO! They still got the vendor property on their books.