OK, if you could do anything you wanted, $ no object, this weekend, what would it be? I'd go to Paris to the museums, visit a few patisseries and have a meal at Le Cinq....
On saturday, Id go to the square shopping centre, buy the euro saver shop, amd make everything 50 euro for the day.
On saturday evening, Id have dinner with Rachel Allen.
On saturday night, Id fall asleep in the heat of a million people hawing down a central heating pipe.
On sunday morning, Id wrap the same million people in giant bubble wrap, float them out to sea so they formed a continuous line between howth and bray and then motorcycle across them to see how long that would take.
On sunday afternoon, Id have lunch with Rachel Allen. (my treat)
On sunday evening, Id freeze the liffey over with a giant river freezing machine (made on the saturday, takes a day to make you know). then get all the politicians to run down it. while the giant river defrosting machine kicks in. whoever makes it to the end is the leader in my book.
sunday night, Id start a charity called Caring Angels for the Society for Homeless or C*A*S*H and Id make a cheque out to them for a gazillion europeans.