Re: AVC losing moey
Peter - you seem to have a poor understanding of how equity investment works.
In an 82-year period, from the start of 1926 to the end of 2007, the S & P 500 index went up in 59 calendar years and down in 23 years. So, in more than one in four years, anyone tracking this index would have seen negative returns. In one instance, the index showed negative returns for four consecutive years following the 1929 Wall Street crash.
Yet in that 82-year period, the index rose by an average of more than 10.3 per cent per year. In other words, despite 23 negative years, the average after 82 years was still strongly positive. Inflation over the same 82-year period averaged just over 3 per cent per year, so the real return was well ahead of inflation.
You seem to be caught in the understandable trap of those who don't understand - thinking that when markets and pension funds fall in value, that the system has somehow failed.
In the pension & investment business, you'll hear the mantra "fund values can fall as well as rise" a lot. If you can't accept the fall part, you should stick to lower-risk assets.