Re: cheap website
I use and I find them pretty good. They just host the site for me and registered the .ie domain name. I have about a 20 page web-site with 4 e-mail addresses attached.
I know that the package I'm on can hold more but that's just the size of my site. It also comes with an excellent tracking facility. It tells me to the tiniest detail how many have visited the site and from where, the most common search word used etc. etc.
It costs me about £150 + VAT per annum, which isn't bad. The only problem is that like most Tech/computer/web companies they are frightened of the telephone. Everything has to be done on e-mail. This can be a little frustrating because 30 e-mails back and forward could easily be covered by a 3 minute 'phone conversation.
They tend to send replies to my queries with one line answers, such as
'download the FTP extensions from the routed subdirectory of, and install them in the tcp/ip.dll folder in settings'
But that's just techies for you.
As for designing, to get started, if you are totally wet behind the ears as I was and you just want a basic brochure site to begin with, you'll do well to beat D.I.Y. with Microsoft Frontpage.
I know plenty will disagree and say it is no use for X and not compatible with Y. But for a starter web site I found it brilliant. It did everything for me. As time goes on I will become more proficient in all things computer, but to get things started Frontpage is 'your only man'!