Groceries Order Consultation


Registered User
Here's our chance to have our voice heard. Minister Martin is asking us what we think about the Groceries Order.

If you believe, as I do, that it should be removed, please submit your comments as he has requested us to do today.

From the departments website, they are asking that these two questions be answered by "any interested parties on the specific recommendation of the Consumer Strategy Group that the Groceries Order be revoked".

As consumers living and shopping in "rip off Ireland", I'd say that we're interested parties all right.

The questions are:-

Do you support the recommendation of the Consumer Strategy Group?
Would you favour amending or replacing the Order?
Relevant Information

The site goes on to say, "Please note that all comments, observations and submissions will be published following the Minister's decision in respect of the Order and will be subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 1997-2003."

Comments, observations or submissions should be transmitted by electronic mail

Can I suggest, that we get as many people as possible to e-mail in to this mail address the following text so that at least we can say we've tried to have our voices heard?

Dear Minister Martin,

To answer your first question regarding the Groceries Order, I fully agree with the Consumer Strategy Group that the Groceries Order should be revoked.

Secondly, I do not favour amending or replacing the Groceries Order. As per the answer to the first question, I favour revoking the order completely.

Your Sincerely....

Also, so that we know how many people have submitted their response, maybe we should record this fact by posting here so we can all see how many people have actually requested the order be revoked.

I'll start the ball rolling by saying that I've sent in my response to the minister using the text above.