Handing back the keys etc etc



If the house you are in, is in negative equity and you decide to hand back keys and let the bank sell it, does the debt follow you abroad or is it just in ireland.
Can you explain how?

The reason I have is I have a friend who purchased a house in uk and rents it, and purchased a house here to live. The bank here did not check he had a house already in uk. Do the banks normally check this?

So if the debt was in Ireland, and a bank in another country did not check, how will they find out.
"The bank here did not check he had a house already in uk. Do the banks normally check this?"

Ah now. And he did not tell them? I wonder why not?

So what are you asking? Do you owe the money? Does the debt disappear because you run away? Or is it ( my favourite!) how will they ever find you!!!!!

If its the last one, my view is that the world is shrinking and I would not bet on them not finding you.
