Why do we still have "The Angelus" on RTE?


Registered User
Not sure if this has been asked before can anyone tell me why RTE still broadcasts the Angelus every day? I thought religious "advertising" was banned, but aside from that in these days of equality why does no other religion get similar free advertising, even in proportion to its numbers.

Should the national broadcaster not be obliged to show no preference for one religious group over another?
It was introduced on RTE radio in 1954 during the Marion year, for the year.
It just never went away.
The way things are going at the moment, its quite likely to become more, rather than less, popular in the future.
Never understood it, footage of people who appear to be filled with inner joy looking off into the distance, breaking off from whatever they are working at, accompanied by a death knell.

Another reason not to watch RTE imo.
footage of people who appear to be filled with inner joy looking off into the distance, breaking off from whatever they are working at, accompanied by a death knell.

Sounds awfully like what happpens as the October tax deadline approaches !
What harm does it do? I know my Grandparents and alot of people from that generation seem to get something from it so let them off. I am sure we can even things up for the other religions if they are offended.

Maybe instead of the Late Late, we could have Pat Kenny reading from the Koran or something.
Never understood it, footage of people who appear to be filled with inner joy looking off into the distance, breaking off from whatever they are working at, accompanied by a death knell.

If you think this is bad, you probably don't remember the previous version.

At least the current version is more a general opportunity for reflection or something rather than blatantly religious.
What harm does it do?
As a TV license payer I personally object to such sectarianism on the part of the state broadcaster.

At least the current version is more a general opportunity for reflection or something rather than blatantly religious.
People can reflect of their own accord. I'd prefer to see the news a minute earlier.
As a TV license payer I personally object to such sectarianism on the part of the state broadcaster.


sec·tar·i·an (sk-târ-n)
1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a sect.
2. Adhering or confined to the dogmatic limits of a sect or denomination; partisan.
3. Narrow-minded; parochial.
1. A member of a sect.
2. One characterized by bigoted adherence to a factional viewpoint.

Oddly enough, I don't recall any of the other religious "sects or denominations" in Ireland ever objecting to RTE's broadcasting of the Angelus on this basis?
As a TV license payer I personally object to such sectarianism on the part of the state broadcaster.

People can reflect of their own accord. I'd prefer to see the news a minute earlier.

Whats sectarian about ringing of a bell? :confused:
Never understood it, footage of people who appear to be filled with inner joy looking off into the distance, breaking off from whatever they are working at, accompanied by a death knell.

Another reason not to watch RTE imo.

They look like they've just farted and are having a sniff.

Hate the bongs myself so usually end up missing the first bit of the news.
I don't see the problem personally - I don't see any harm in taking a minute out of todays life to chill and if I stumble accross RTE at 6pm, its not going to kill me. Its certainly very inoffensive. Not sure about the previous one what with our global population in the present. This one is quite generic and like Sunny said, let them off - its no big deal.
What harm does it do? I know my Grandparents and alot of people from that generation seem to get something from it so let them off. I am sure we can even things up for the other religions if they are offended.

Maybe instead of the Late Late, we could have Pat Kenny reading from the Koran or something.

I resent my licence fee being used to promote any religion.
As a TV license payer I personally object to such sectarianism on the part of the state broadcaster.
Well i guess you should complain to them and they may take your views on board but I would assume your views to be in the minority as to this subject. I don't see how it is sectarian.
I resent my licence fee being used to promote any religion.

I'd rather they spent it on a one minute peice everyday than that crap fair city/late late show and the rest of the stuff that they say is entertainment. How much are we paying for that rubbish.
I'd rather they spent it on a one minute peice everyday than that crap fair city/late late show and the rest of the stuff that they say is entertainment. How much are we paying for that rubbish.

Bring back Closedown, that's what I say :)