People get real - turn the heat up!


Registered User
I've been responding to posts and am astounded to discover the amount of people who think 18 degrees is sufficient heat for a house.
People on these boards are spending a fortune on alternative heating systems and then scrimping on using them.
I'm seeing it in real life too.

People with under floor heating are running it like a radiator system on timers when it clearly should be 24/7.

Beginning green and efficient seems to becoming an excuse to be miserly.

I know its a rant but recently I seem to be visiting friends newly modernised houses and they are sitting there in the cold with their very expensive heating turned off.

For the sake of interest what do most of you heat your rooms too.

Mines 21c which I & my lads like but the wife (and all her sisters) find a little cold so they crank it up.
I've been responding to posts and am astounded to discover the amount of people who think 18 degrees is sufficient heat for a house.
People on these boards are spending a fortune on alternative heating systems and then scrimping on using them.
I'm seeing it in real life too.

People with under floor heating are running it like a radiator system on timers when it clearly should be 24/7.

Beginning green and efficient seems to becoming an excuse to be miserly.

I know its a rant but recently I seem to be visiting friends newly modernised houses and they are sitting there in the cold with their very expensive heating turned off.

For the sake of interest what do most of you heat your rooms too.

Mines 21c which I & my lads like but the wife (and all her sisters) find a little cold so they crank it up.

Both me and the missus prefer it around 19 maybe 20 degrees. Anything above that i start to find stuffy and makes me sleepy.
I have been to houses where the opposite applies to you and they have the heating up and withing minutes feel uncomfortable, sleepy and stuffy. I guess its a case of each to their own
Or indeed, wear a jumper. Just a trick I thought up by myself. Should I apply for a patent, d'ya think?
I agree and would go even further - some green minded people lecture me about leaving a light bulb on but they go on 4 holidays a year?? Unfortunately the world is becoming overpopulated, turning off a few light bulbs here and there or turning the heat down is not going to make a significant long term difference.
Not a thing in my opinion - far more pollution from air miles than from a light bulb. My point was that the people giving out to me for leaving light bulbs on head of on 4 holidays a year creating far more pollution that me leaving the light on.
OP, are you sure that it's not just people who prefer a generally cooler house? (unless of course the external temperature gets very low)

Personally I hate a warm house - not sure what my heating is set at but put it this way, if I can wear a T-shirt indoors these days - the house is too warm IMO.

Again, a personal thing, but my bedroom should be cooler again e.g. flooring cold underfoot, pillow cold etc.
OP, are you sure that it's not just people who prefer a generally cooler house? (unless of course the external temperature gets very low)

Personally I hate a warm house - not sure what my heating is set at but put it this way, if I can wear a T-shirt indoors these days - the house is too warm IMO.

Again, a personal thing, but my bedroom should be cooler again e.g. flooring cold underfoot, pillow cold etc.

Me too. Before I married I used to always leave a bedroom window open at night in most temperatures. I would much prefer a cooler house wearing a jumper than an over heated house ( in my op obviously).
These days I keep mine at 21-ish. If I had unlimited budget for oil, it'd be at 25! Do like downstairs warm, but bedroom cool, so only heat it a bit. As said, its a personal thing!
I think in many cases (my own included) it's an affordability issue. My gas bills are probably treble what they were 5 years ago - but my salary isn't.
i personally am not a fan of central heating at all! i have gas in my house but it rarely on, i have the fire lighting every evening, and hot water bottles in my bed before i get in it. nice and cosy!! :)

when i do have my heating on its usually at 20 tho!
Another vote for a cooler house but the missus would gladly have the heat at the highest setting all the time if she could get away with it.
Surely it's OK for an individual to decide how warm they want the house, whether their heating system is expensive or not? If I was in a 25-degree house, I'd try not to stay too long. Same if the place is too cold, but at least I could leave my coat on!
We usually keep out temp at 18 pr below and wear jumbers in winter. i find most friends houses stuff and too warm.
Another vote for a cooler house but the missus would gladly have the heat at the highest setting all the time if she could get away with it.

It's a woman thing, Apparently something to do with woman having more water in their body. A google search gives alot of differing views

Well - it's pretty baltic today so have the house nice and warm at about 24degrees-ish.

Who cares. I'm warm!!
Usually have downstairs set at 18 and upstairs set at 15, other half would feel the cold much more than me, but finds those temps fine.

It's a woman thing, Apparently something to do with woman having more water in their body. A google search gives alot of differing views


Well I'm a woman and 18-20 degrees is fine by me. We don't heat the bedroom at all except briefly on frosty mornings and I wear layers when I go to friends' overheated houses so I can strip off and remain respectable. I think they're the "chilly" ones and I'm normal.:) Perhaps it's just what you're used to. I grew up in a draughty house with no central heating, so anything above 15 degrees feels like luxury.
Mine is up at the highest it will go on the gauge (not sure how many degrees :eek:) I'm a terrible cold creature, always have been. When I moved out my parents told me they were able to afford an extra holiday a year with the saving on the heating :p My neighbour called in the other night and even though I turned off the heating at the look of her in distress she kept asking for glasses of water and mopping her brow. Its rediculous, when I am at home I wear my normal clothes with a floor length dressing gown over them and a scarf and I'm never too warm. Actually having just written that I think there may be something wrong with me!