Parking Ticket - No yellow lines or no parking sign


Registered User
I got a parking ticket yesterday. My car was parked in a housing estate where there were no double yellow lines, or no no-parking sign. Is this allowable? Surely no-parking should have been indicated somewhere?

There are other restrictions to parking. I'm working from memory here, but not within 5 meters of a junction, not at a bend or the brow of a hill, not on a footpath.

Edited to add, there is a more comprehensive list here:

No parking & disc parking

Even if you do not see a particular "no parking" sign or yellow line on the road, you must not stop or park:

  • in a parking space unless you display a "reserved for a person with a disability" permit holder. Wheelchair users need to use the extra wide special parking bay to open their car door fully. This will allow a person to get from a wheelchair to a vehicle or from a vehicle to a wheelchair. Normal parking bays are too narrow to give the access required by wheelchair users so other road users must not park in the designated disabled persons parking spaces. It is an offence to do so;
  • where there are white zig-zag lines on either side of pedestrian lights or of pelican or zebra crossings;
  • wholly or partly on a zebra or pelican crossing or at pedestrian lights;
  • 15 metres before or 5 metres after a pedestrian crossing;
  • near a school entrance where there are yellow zig-zag lines along the edge of the roadway enclosing the words "SCHOOL KEEP CLEAR";
  • within an area marked as a bus stop or taxi rank - white roadway markings line the areas and, in addition show the word "BUS" at a bus stop and "TAXIS" at a taxi rank;
  • where there is a single or double continuous white line along the centre of the road;
  • wholly or partly on a footpath, a grass margin, a cycle lane or track or a median strip;
  • within 5 metres of a road junction unless parking spaces are clearly marked;
  • on a part of a road reserved for casual trading during trading hours;
  • in a contra-flow bus lane at any time or in a with-flow bus lane during the hours the bus lane is in force;
  • in a loading bay (reserved for goods vehicles to use while loading or unloading goods for a maxium period of 30 minutes) - roadway markings show the word "LOADING" repeated across the entrance of the parking area;
  • in a tram lane during the period the tram lane is in force (tram lanes operate on a 24-hour basis unless an alternative period is shown on an information plate beside the lane);
  • on the approach to a level crossing;
  • where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users.
REMEMBER You must not park in any way which interferes with the normal flow of traffic, or which obstructs or endangers other road users.

You must never park:

  • at a corner, a bend, the brow of a hill or on a hump-back bridge,
  • where there is a sharp dip in the road, or
  • anywhere that blocks the view of a school warden or junior school warden service, the restriction does not apply to a vehicle displaying a disabled persons parking permit.
Disc parking

Disc parking operates in built-up areas to restrict parking during certain times of the day. You will see the regulatory sign and information plate below in an area covered by disc parking.
When you park, you must buy a disc for a set period of time and remove your car by the time this period ends. You must not park again in the same street within one hour of leaving a disc-parking space.
The restriction does not apply to a vehicle displaying a parking permit for a person with a disability.
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Hi Guys,

Yes it was definately a real parking ticket and I don't think it was in an area that should be restricted.... It was a gard that issued it, as I seen him driving away! I'm a bit annoyed as it wasn't in the way or anything...

They sometimes have ticked off on the back of the ticket why it was issued.
I wrongly got a parking ticket once, and brought it to the gardai station to complain. The bloke there just wrote it off, and I didn't have to pay.
I went out to my car one evening to find a parking ticket on my car, it was parked in the car park in our apartment complex. I contacted the guards and told them the car was parked in the car park and they told me not to worry about it and took the ticket from me. Never heard another thing about it - that was about 2yrs ago!