Age: 33 - female
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 125,000 + up to 40k in bonus
Type of employment: Partnership
Expenditure pattern: In general are you spending more than you earn or are you saving? No, not by a long way
No property and so no mortgage
No loans or other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc None
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
Savings and investments:
Bank: 170,000, currently (and stupidly I know) sitting in a no interest BOI current account having been extracted from Norther Rock last year
Do you have a pension scheme? Yes, paid by partnership of 10% of salary
Payment /Salary protection policy: Yes
Do you own any investment or other property? No
Film Relief: I do a section 481 investment each year.
Death in service policy: Yes
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I have been very lax about making my money work for me and I want to change that this year. I may buy a property with my partner this year of which my share would be approx €400,000. That is the only property mixing that we shall be involved in together however.
What would people recommend? I don't know where to begin, my head begins to spin when I consider the options.
I am considering putting some money into :
I dont really know what percentage to allocate to each, and what products might be best for me. Help?!
Age: 33 - female
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 125,000 + up to 40k in bonus
Type of employment: Partnership
Expenditure pattern: In general are you spending more than you earn or are you saving? No, not by a long way
No property and so no mortgage
No loans or other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc None
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
Savings and investments:
Bank: 170,000, currently (and stupidly I know) sitting in a no interest BOI current account having been extracted from Norther Rock last year
Do you have a pension scheme? Yes, paid by partnership of 10% of salary
Payment /Salary protection policy: Yes
Do you own any investment or other property? No
Film Relief: I do a section 481 investment each year.
Death in service policy: Yes
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I have been very lax about making my money work for me and I want to change that this year. I may buy a property with my partner this year of which my share would be approx €400,000. That is the only property mixing that we shall be involved in together however.
What would people recommend? I don't know where to begin, my head begins to spin when I consider the options.
I am considering putting some money into :
- a regular savings account,
- a fixed term forestry investment product
- a fund associated in some way with shares.
I dont really know what percentage to allocate to each, and what products might be best for me. Help?!