Tayto: Where did it all go wrong? Discuss.



Am I entirely alone in mourning the loss of the traditional flavour of Tayto crisps since they were taken over whenever it was?

Never mind the economy, the health service or property prices, this is the issue of our time and if any party can promise me they will restore Tayto to their position at the top of the list of the tastiest things on earth I will not only vote for them, I'll vote for them twice.

Phase One after they were bought out was bordering on the tragic: they tasted foul.

Phase Two: they improved a bit, but not much.

I thought maybe it was just me until I spoke to someone who worked in Superquinn and they said sales of Tayto had dropped big time, hence the mountains of special offers on them. Can anyone confirm this?

I know, I know, I need to get a life, but Tayto is life. :(

They are having packaging problems also. Sometimes on opening the six pack's you accidentally actually open a packet of Crisps as one pack is stuck to the top of the main packaging. Settings on machine or something when slicing. are not set correctly.
All Tayto crisps and snacks are now made by Largo foods the producers
of Hunky Dory , Perri , Sam spuds etc
which would explain the differnece in taste and packaging
All Tayto crisps and snacks are now made by Largo foods the producers of Hunky Dory , Perri , Sam spuds etc which would explain the differnece in taste and packaging

Can't understand why they would change the recipe of such a successful product (well, I'm assuming Tayto were hugely successful, based on sales to me alone :eek:). They were actually vile for a while, tasted of cheap oil and sickly artificial cheese, have improved a bit but nowhere near what they used to be. Any other fellow Tayto devotees find the same?
Every second pack seems to taste different. Got a six pack before xmas and they were just like they should be, covered in flavouring, golden in colour, and just ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...........................

Sorry, have to go and get a cloth. Just drooled all over the keyboard
Tayto cheese and onion were always awful but all the other flavours are still ok. Nothing beats the flavour of King - yum!
They used to be great... I remember when you could get no other snack but Tayto in the pubs. They were great with your 7-up (when you were a kid) and a pint of cider when you were slightly older.

Sadly those days ar gone :(

Hunky Dorey's are the new Tayto to me - Buffalo mmmmmm.
I am with you all (well, almost all of you) in my mourning........Agree totally with the Phase 1/2 theory and the bag issue......As a very small kid, my party piece was to recite all the writing on the pack....."Tayto, the ideal TV snack" and all that.....I had such an affinity that Largo have now just laughed at ! :(
God I did not realise Taytos had changed.
It has been a while since I had a pack.......that is just appaling and I will have to do a taste test at lunchtime now to see where I stand in this whole debate.

AS to King crisps, they are the poor man's tayto.
i used to be able to recite the back of the salt container "Saxa table salt, fine flowing table salt....." hours and hours trying to get green veg down my 6 year old throat lead to an interesting read.....
nightmare about Taytos though - i've been on the cheese and onion hunky dorys for the last year or so - really oniony and delicious. and don't forget the cheesy wotsits. oh yes.
The original Taytos were set up by the Murphy family back in the late 40's early 50's and the family patriarch (Spud Murphy) died about 2 years ago. There was a tribute to him on the Joe Duffy liveline show about 6 months ago.
However, Tayto itself was bought by Maurice Pratts C&C in the early 90's and C&C have sold it to Largo foods in the last 18 months. Hence the changing taste of the original Cheese and Onion flavor crisps as different companies might try and produce the product cheaper. (In fact Spud Murphy or his estate still own the rights to Cheese and Onion and sell it under license to other brands)
The reason Tayto has fallen behind in the crisp market is because in the last 10 years Ireland has been flooded with new brands, especially Walkers. Tayto once had 100% of the Irish crisp market but it now only has 25% and this is slowly falling with Walkers expected to become the market leader if present trends continue.
if walkers are so horrible why are they "expected" to become the market leaders? someone must be eating them?
I am a crispoholic, but dont like Tayto - to me they taste greasy and oily like they were cooked in old chip fat!
I love Walkers Cheese and Onion - they taste fresher, less oily, crunchier, lighter...yum!

I never got into King (tasteless), Hunky Dory (hit and miss - some bags tasteless, others lovely). Used to love Sam Spudz Salt and Vinegar as a kid.
I am with you all (well, almost all of you) in my mourning........Agree totally with the Phase 1/2 theory and the bag issue......

So relieved, I was beginning to wonder was it just me!

as a very small kid, my party piece was to recite all the writing on the pack....."Tayto, the ideal TV snack" and all that.....

:D Crackin' up! My 'party' piece was to hold a Tayto bag over the fire and shrink it in to a mini Tayto packet with the heat :eek: