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We're looking to replace the rotting sash windows on a period red brick building. Someone recommended having a look at Has anyone had dealings (good or bad) with this company and with their Heritage PVC Sash Windows? Anyone recommend alternatives? Appreciate any feedback.
houseclearou said:

We're looking to replace the rotting sash windows on a period red brick building. Someone recommended having a look at Has anyone had dealings (good or bad) with this company and with their Heritage PVC Sash Windows? Anyone recommend alternatives? Appreciate any feedback.

I work in the building industry and conservation is an area in which I have a strong interest. Now having stated my credentials, don't believe for one minute that UPVC "sash windows" are fooling anyone- except that is, the purchaser. If you want to do your property and the environment a favour please use a proper timber window; there are a number of companies that now offer a sash window product.
Hi Carpenter

Many thanks for your reply. I'm not sure what you mean by ... 'don't believe for one minute UPVC "sash windows" are fooling anyone - except that is, the purchaser'? I would have thought it would be the person paying the bill that would know exactly what they're buying. Please feel free to name or PM me the name of someone that you feel offers a service that you're happy to recommend. I have yet to find a company that offers replacement sash timber windows at a reasonable price. For the record neither have I found quality replacement PVC sash windows. However, someone did recommend the company that I mentioned.
All I'm saying is that PVC "sash windows" are at best a very poor pastiche of the real thing and will only detract from a period property. Timber sash windows are a premium product and are expensive. As for a recommendation- try WJ Bolger, Ardee Street, Dublin. I've no connection with the company but have sourced joinery from them in the past.
Hi Carpenter

Again thanks for your reply. I previously contacted the company you mentioned but received no response to my messages. But I will try again.

I also contacted two other companies/individuals that I was told specialise in the restoration and/or replacement of timber sash windows. I was surprised that both advocated the replacement of the windows rather than their restoration. The windows have layers of paint (probably 100 years of paint!) but outside of the bottom of the frames, where there is evidence of some rot, they don't appear to be beyond repair. I would think that these companies are more concerned with profit rather than conservation or the environment - not that I'm surprised. To my mind replacing something that can be repaired is not in keeping with the principles of conservation. But that is another day's discussion!

Both companies have quoted between 8000 to 10000 euro plus VAT for the replacement of a bay window (with three compartments - two narrow side windows and one larger front window) and two single upstairs windows - all sash. To my mind this appears to be overly expensive - especially as the existing windows are an ideal template for the new windows to be built and at least two are the same size. Is this price representative of the amount charged by Irish companies for this sort of work? If so then I might look at overseas alternatives and/or PVC.

Another issue was that at least one company would take away the existing windows and board up the house for a few weeks - they were unable to say for how long!
John Dunne or John Bolger are the main contacts in WJ Bolgers. Unfortunately all these specialists are so busy that they can pick and choose the work they like and consequently may not be great when it comes to returning calls etc. I don't want to harp on about Bolgers but I know they will actually try and conserve as much of the existing frames as possible.
Hi I was recently sourcing quotations for wooden sash windows and I was only able to find 3 companies in Dublin who repair or make wooden sash windows. Both have been mentioned already, the other was I found they are all busy (their lead times are also unfortunately several weeks) but I managed to get quotes from them all.

Like Carpenter, I believe the wooden sash windows are far superior, authentic (and more beautiful) than the PVC sash windows. They are also more amenable to repairs in the future, whereas PVC windows need to be fully replaced. Not only do they enhance your house, they enhance the street on which you live.

Your 3-windowed bay window sounds beautiful, it would be a shame to replace these windows with PVC. I think if you can stick with the wooden sashes you'll be doing your windows and the house far more justice.

For the record, I bought a lovely old redbrick with intact fireplaces and other beautiful period features and was absolutely disgusted that the original sash windows had been replaced with the most hideous PVC windows. Before I even purchased the house I knew that I HAD to replace the ugly windows. Not only that but when I looked inside the house, the archetraves had been altered to accommodate the ugly offenders, it is such a shame. I will be restoring my windows to their former glory very soon. When thinking about the cost of replacing your windows, you should also consider the value that sash windows will add to your property in the future. You only need to read the property pages to see that original sash windows are highly sought after features, and the more that time goes on they will be even more highly sought after. Even the glass itself in your windows is an antiquity and costs approx €190 per square foot I believe to purchase from salvage yards I believe! I hope this helps. Please try and do the right thing by your house..

I really couldn't have put it any better than mobilegirl. If you would like to see some pics of work by Bolgers PM me.

Hi Carpenter, if you don't mind me asking you something... For someone like me who unfortunately has to start from scratch again with the sash windows, would you still recommend Bolgers over everyone else for a brand new fit? Have you experience of and Many thanks
Hi Mobilegirl

I would agree that timber sash windows are authentic and are beautiful if well restored. Whether or not they are superior to alternatives would I guess depend on one's view. Hope you don't mind me asking but what prices have you been quoted for your windows? As things stand, the timber sash windows I'm being quoted are at least double the price quoted for PVC sash windows. I didn't think the PVC windows would be an option but I have seen a few reference sites and was more impressed with the 'heritage PVC sash range' than I though I would be. I'm still awaiting a reply from the company recommmeneded by Carpenter. I will also contact the other company you mentioned. Many thanks.
Hi Mobilegirl
We found it impossible to get quotes from any other company as the windows we had required a lot of repair work. The job I'm referring to is a commercial project with over 30 windows. I think Bolgers are expensive but they do deliver the goods. If I were going again I would certainly talk to Bolgers again. I've no experience of the other two companies you name. For small jobs I'm sure there some other small specialist joinery works out there that can do this type of work. The big advantage of using Bolgers for us was the fact that their work features Ventrolla draught seals and parting beads, which certainly enhance the windows' performance overall.

houseclearou, I have PM'd you contact details for the contracts manager in Bolgers. I found them very efficient, prompt and civil, so I'm surprised you haven't heard back to date. Best of luck, Ceepee
Hi houseclearou, I'll PM you my quotes - but then again they are for new windows, not repair. The guy I spoke to in (Frank) told me that generally speaking, PVC sash windows are 6/10 of the price of wooden sash windows.. I didn't bother getting quotes for PVC sash windows anywhere.
There is a company in Dungannon which installed a lot of sash windows in our area - at half the price of the Dublin suppliers. Google them - I don't know their names but word of mouth recommendations are good around here (Kildare)
If you are looking at restoration, then call the preservation officer at your local council and ask their opinion, as they often keep lists of specialists.