Hi lemrac
I have moved this from the thread on the euro. It deserves a long key post along the lines of the one on
home loans.
Just some quick points. I might return to this later, but I would be delighted if someone else would write a Key Post.
1) The safest place for any deposits you have is to pay off your loans.
2) You should pay off the loan with the highest net cost of interest after tax relief. As you get better tax relief on an investment property, it's likely that you should pay off your home loan first. But do the numbers.
3) You may well get an incentive from the bank to pay a lump sum off an investment mortgage, especially if you have a cheap tracker. So check it out.
4) If you have a very cheap tracker, you can get a much higher rate on your deposits, but there is a risk to your deposits.
5) If Ireland leaves the euro, your mortgage in Irish euro may be devalued, while a deposit in German euro may be revalued.
5A) The opposite is possible. The Irish euro could rise against the German euro.