
Registered User
Hi just a quick question re converting VHS to DVD format. I know it can easily be done but was wondering can footage be altered IE if it was an old football match and the original had no commentary could it be added later.
Re: VHS to CD

Funny this, I am actually going to do this the weekend. Its my parents 30th Wedding Annv next week and years ago as a gift, I transfered there old 8mm wedding tape to VHS. Now a few years later, I am going to transfer it to DVD and take a few stills and print a few photos also.

I am buying this from argos later today:

Hopefully I should be up to the job.

Re: VHS to CD

Well do Flexible. I picked up the WIn USB TV last nite and connected it up but I need to pick up a male to male RCA cable later today. I am hoping to give it a go over the weekend. If it does what it says on the box, it should be fine....:)

How did you convert 8mm to DVD ? Did you project movie on white screen and record on a camcorder? Is there any decent equipment out there that will do it better, ebay has some old 8mm projectors but they look old...
Re: VHS to CD

I am buying this from argos later today:

Hopefully I should be up to the job.


James, the above link no longer works.. can you name the piece of equipment of Argos catalogue no again please. Tks
Was it or by any chance?

It wouldn't be the second link Clubman, it's used for Freeview viewing (bought something similar last year and wasn't sucessful even though my standard freeview bos works fine).

Has anyone used either of the devices in the first link above? I would like to convert from video tape to PC, edit the footage, then burn to DVD.