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Taking a quick trip to Venice for the October bank holiday weekend. Any recommendations for sight-seeing? Any other suggestions?

Venice is quite small, so if your staying anywhere near the centre, don't worry you'll see it all :)

Needless to say, you gotta got for the "one cornetto" boat ride (though they don't like people actually singing the song as they push the boat lol :D) ... it will cost you circa €140 for about 40 mins, but despite being a rip off, is something you won't do again in a hurry so go for it.

There is a famous bridge (sorry can't recall the name of it), along with a couple of nice waterside restuarants & after that, not a hell of a lot more as memory serves. Some interesting old buildings and a bit of history if your into it. Might also be worth checking out the local opera if its got anything on show at this time of year.

Some of the following links may prove helpful:

(click on the links at the side)

Have a great time, it's a lovely place for a weekend :)


Get well away from St.Marks's square and in to the back of venice. Much quieter and lower prices.
I agree with BoxtheFox. Dorsoduro is a lovely area and many Venetians live there. Restaurant prices are lower and also a better selection of dishes. The very touristy areas have a limited menu...lots and lots of pizza, pasta and not much else (fine for the first couple of days but a bit sickening after that). In quieter areas you will also avoid the tour groups stampeding around en masse after the lady holding up the red scarf!

Three day pass for vaporetto (water bus) is good value at €22 as you will use it a good bit getting to see the sights. I think a single journey on the grand canal without the ticket is €5 so it all adds up.