Update 2.5 years later: Problems with tenants next door: Determination Order frm PRTB


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Bought a 30yr-old semi-detached 3-bed house with my girlfriend in Rathfarnham just before Christmas. The adjoining house has since been bought and is currently rented out to a family of 6 (two parents, three kids aged 5-8 and an infant). The family happens to be <ethnicity removed> (seemingly <religion removed>) and the parents don't have much English.

We have a number of issues with these neighbours, and we're not sure how to proceed - so any advice would be most welcome:

* We can constantly hear the kids screaming at eachother, jumping around, and banging on the walls. I hope it isn't the case, but it seems like the parents often leave the kids home alone to run riot. The infant regularly bawls for hours on end.

* When in bed at night, we frequently have to listen to screaming matches between the parents, or loud television in their main bedroom.

* Immediately after moving in, they erected *three* large satellite dishes at the back of the house. One of these is over a metre across, and is right beside our back bedroom window. All look unsightly.

I'm actually laughing as I read the above because it all seems ridulous - but it's all true. I'm typing this with headphones on, to get some peace! Note that the houses are well built - I don't feel that soundproofing the walls is the way forward.

We haven't approached them about these problems yet - I guess we wanted to give them a chance to settle in, to see if things eased off. Unfortunately I don't have a phone number for their landlord.

So what should we do - confront the parents and ask them to control their kids? Likely to be difficult with the language barrier. Perhaps we should ask them for the phone number of their landlord, and let him sort them out?

Wouldn't we be right to contact a community garda if we were sure that the kids were being left home alone?

Thanks - like I said any advice would be appreciated.
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Re: Problems with tenants next door

Contact the Gardai and/or HSE if the kids are being left alone. Contact the local authority regarding the satellite dishes. Check out the Dept Environment website for details of the process to take a noise pollution claim through the courts.
Re: Problems with tenants next door

I remember reading about a similar situation happening in Malahide last year (Fingal indo). Can't remember the details, but it went to court and got messy. Don't think the landlord was terribly helpful.
I would start with the landlord. He/she probably has no idea whats going on.
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Hi, thanks for the replies.

So you think our interaction should only be through the landlord, rather than directly with the neighbours themselves?

Either way I'll have to interact with them, in order to get the landlord's number from them. Or is there another means to find the contact details of the owner of any particular house?
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Check here http://www.prtb.ie/pubreg.htm (Private residenial tenancies board)

...it might be maintained on the PRTB list of registered tenancies - theres a drop down menu to select each county or area, if the address is maintained on the excel spreadsheet then they have contact details for the landlord.


If its not you can contact them and they will try and obtain landlords details and send a letter requesting that they register, (this is meant to be done for each new tenancy) They can also mediate on behalf of 3rd parties if there is a dispute due to anti social behaviour but this is normally done when communication has broken down between the landlord. It might be worth checking with the local letting agents in the area in case they rented the house.

My big concern would be if your correct and children are being left unattended, if you really were concerend about their welfare, I'd definitly talk to the community Garda and get some advice about how to proceed...

As for the satellite dishes, I saw a thread recently on www.boards.ie about illeagl satellite dishes in the accommoation section, might be worth checking it out so you know where you stand on this when discussing with landlord.

Really hope it gets resolved, stressful situation!
Re: Problems with tenants next door

fullerand said:
* Immediately after moving in, they erected *three* large satellite dishes at the back of the house. One of these is over a metre across, and is right beside our back bedroom window. All look unsightly.

I'm not making this up-ridiculous as it sounds-but I recently heard something about non-Irish nationals having the right (under some EU legislation) to receive broadcasts from their own national broadcaster, thus allowing for a dish. It seems ludicrous to me, and I hope it's not true, but I just thought I'd mention it. Maybe someone else has info?
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Hah-I'm just after reading the ever so helpful response :rolleyes: you received from a Moderator on Boards.

possibly he works in sky digitals sound volume level testing room, kids department ?!! and used to answer the phones for eircom [ie soooooo helpful ??!]

maybe he just has bad day

hope it all works out for you
and take care
Re: Problems with tenants next door

I hate raising old threads, but I think it's appropriate in this case.

I'm the OP above, and I just thought I'd come back to say that 2.5 years after that post, we finally got a Determination Order from the PRTB today. I'm so angry that it has taken that long to go through the process - meanwhile the issues described above continued unabated the whole time. In fact they worsened to included throwing stones and spitting at us.

Let it be a warning to landlords to properly vet their tenants, and make sure you're fully versed with the Residential Tenancies Act.
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Feel I have to post as it seems to me that bypassing a neighbourly chat in favour of immediate landlord interference seems an extreme initial reaction and I would say totally the wrong way to go. There's every chance you could reach a compromise with your neighbours if you approached them in a friendly manner first off.

You say there may be a language barrier but you really won't know until you talk to them yourself. Just because they speak their own language to each other doesn't mean they don't speak English as well - there are Somalis renting in my building and it was only when I got talking to one of them in the hallway that I discovered she speaks almost better English than I do.

Getting their landlord to talk to them about something you could easily have spoken to them about yourself (say, not having the TV on late at night in the bedroom that adjoins yours) is the best way to have a terrible relationship with your neighbours and a very stressful home.

Sure, if your initial approach doesn't improve things then it would make sense to approach their landlord, but at the moment you're getting stressed about things that your neighbours have no idea you're stressed about - you can't really blame them for not picking up on your concerns with their psychic powers, they can only make an effort to improve things if you talk to them about the situation.
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Feel I have to post as it seems to me that bypassing a neighbourly chat in favour of immediate landlord interference seems an extreme initial reaction and I would say totally the wrong way to go. There's every chance you could reach a compromise with your neighbours if you approached them in a friendly manner first off.

You say there may be a language barrier but you really won't know until you talk to them yourself. Just because they speak their own language to each other doesn't mean they don't speak English as well - there are Somalis renting in my building and it was only when I got talking to one of them in the hallway that I discovered she speaks almost better English than I do.

Getting their landlord to talk to them about something you could easily have spoken to them about yourself (say, not having the TV on late at night in the bedroom that adjoins yours) is the best way to have a terrible relationship with your neighbours and a very stressful home.

Sure, if your initial approach doesn't improve things then it would make sense to approach their landlord, but at the moment you're getting stressed about things that your neighbours have no idea you're stressed about - you can't really blame them for not picking up on your concerns with their psychic powers, they can only make an effort to improve things if you talk to them about the situation.

Or they would probably have been throwing stones and spitting at fullerand long before he made the complaint.

With some people there's no talking to.
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Or they would probably have been throwing stones and spitting at fullerand long before he made the complaint.

With some people there's no talking to.

Er, what are you actually saying here?
Re: Problems with tenants next door

I hate raising old threads, but I think it's appropriate in this case.

I'm the OP above, and I just thought I'd come back to say that 2.5 years after that post, we finally got a Determination Order from the PRTB today. I'm so angry that it has taken that long to go through the process - meanwhile the issues described above continued unabated the whole time. In fact they worsened to included throwing stones and spitting at us.

Let it be a warning to landlords to properly vet their tenants, and make sure you're fully versed with the Residential Tenancies Act.

Thanks for the update fullerand.

Im moving this thread from "Homes & Gardens" folder to the "Property Investment" folder where it may be of interest to Landlords and Tenants alike.

Re: Problems with tenants next door

I hate raising old threads, but I think it's appropriate in this case.

I'm the OP above, and I just thought I'd come back to say that 2.5 years after that post, we finally got a Determination Order from the PRTB today. I'm so angry that it has taken that long to go through the process - meanwhile the issues described above continued unabated the whole time. In fact they worsened to included throwing stones and spitting at us.
Fair play to you for getting back with an update. Can you confirm what this 'determination order' means now for the landlord and the tenant?
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Feel I have to post as it seems to me that bypassing a neighbourly chat in favour of immediate landlord interference seems an extreme initial reaction and I would say totally the wrong way to go. ...
I believe, in the circumstances outlined, that OP acted appropriately by contacting the landlord and the PRTB.
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Feel I have to post as it seems to me that bypassing a neighbourly chat in favour of immediate landlord interference seems an extreme initial reaction and I would say totally the wrong way to go. There's every chance you could reach a compromise with your neighbours if you approached them in a friendly manner first off.

To clarify, I complained to the tenant for a full 2 months before contacting the landlord. We jumped through hoops to try to get some decency out of these people - but as someone mentioned above there's simply no talking to some folk.
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Fair play to you for getting back with an update. Can you confirm what this 'determination order' means now for the landlord and the tenant?

The Determination Order is the final output of the PRTB dispute resolution process. In this case it's a document that says the tenant must vacate the premises by a particular date. If they don't comply they will be taken directly to the Circuit Court to enforce the order.
Re: Problems with tenants next door

The Determination Order is the final output of the PRTB dispute resolution process. In this case it's a document that says the tenant must vacate the premises by a particular date. If they don't comply they will be taken directly to the Circuit Court to enforce the order.
Thanks - Is the order directed at the landlord or the tenant?
Re: Problems with tenants next door

Primarily at the tenant.
It's great you came back to us with an update. But I fear a tenant who has waited 2.5 years will probably ignore the determination order. Is the PRTB going to pay for going to court? This could take a long time yet. Could you tell us more about the how the determination order came about, did the landlord not have to be involved etc.