Mattress: "Visco Elastic Mattress" like the Tempur brand ?


Registered User
Hi all,
Just wondering if anybody out there can give me any poniters on buying a mattress. I've been looking at these Visco elastic mattresses but I'm not sure if they'll last the course. I've priced the Tempur mattresses but they seem to be a bit too expensive for me. Where abouts is the best place to buy a mattress?

Any help would be appreciated.....
Re: Mattress

Thanks Sueellen, I've already had a look at that post. What I'm really interested in is the Visco elastic mattress like the Tempur brand. They're really comfy to lie on but I don't know what they'll be like in 5-10 years down the line???
I have had a Visco elastic mattress for about 2 years now and cant complain at all. I did take a while to adjust off the spring loaded mattress but after a few days I was well used to it. It is amazing how little I move during the night and therefore get a quality sleep compared to my old mattress. Would highly recommend them. Have had no problems after two years.

Bought mine in Arnotts, delivered to Drogheda (in a very timely manner) area and removed the old one for free. Chap in Arnotts told me to wait 2 weeks before ordering as the one I wanted to due a reduction in the sale, saved 200Euro!
stobear, approximately how much was your mattress in Arnotts. These things tend to sell for around €800-€1000 in Ireland, right?

Was there a problem with a smell when the mattress was new? Kind of like drying paint (I'm asking because I'm considering buying these mattresses but some of the familiy members are sensitive to chemical smells).

fatboise, have you looked at sites like this one in the UK where you can buy non-tempur brand for less. A friend of mine swears by them but alas I have not had the chance to try out the mattress myself :)

You can also buy mattress "toppers" i.e. a thinner mattress that fits on top of your existing, perhaps a good try before you buy alternative...

Let me know how you get on.
At the time it was 900E, reduced to 800, its for a king size bed. Now that you mention it there was a bit of a whiff off it for a few hours, simply aired it out (uncovered with windows open on a blustery day). The following day the smell was gone. Still sleeping soundly on it by the way!
Cant comment onVisco elastic mattress but we have been sleeping soundly on our bed Tempur (king size) for the last few months , its great if i get up in the night to go to the bathroom Mrs Mikeyny does not feel me getting up .
you dont feel the other person moving around . it feels warm as the mattress is heat and pressure sensitive no back aches ,
We have the tempur pedic pillows to go with it and we missed them while they were being shipped here and we were using ordinary pillows , so while not scientific they did make a difference .
The mattress was expensive but worth it , we bought it in the US , also its guarenteed for 30 years
the foam is really heavy so if its a king you are looking at you will need 4 strong lads to get it up the stairs ,the smell did go away after a few days
Mrs mikeyny just said that a smaller mattress would do as you dont really move around as much , Queen would have done us as good as a king .
you live and learn
I seem to recall a 60 day free trial , is it available here or is it the UK only

good luck
I'm going for it. Just ordered a Visco Elastic mattress from at a fraction of the price of Tempur. I've heard too many positive reviews to ignore and I'm in the market for a new mattress anyway. I'll let you know how it goes!
I got together with some friends and ordered a total of 2 mattresses, a mattress overlay and 6 pillows. The website suggests shipping should have been £120 but they quoted shipping (via UPS) for that order at £70 stg. You'll find you can haggle the price down a bit depending on how much you're ordering. And they have a half price pillow deal when you order a mattress.
Sorry, I'd forgotten about this thread and should have reported earlier.

To be honest I was disappointed with the mattress - comfortable enough when used by one but we find it sags in the middle when we're both on it. Disappointing. The mattress "topper" however is great, as long as you use it on top of a good firm mattress.
I have add that the quality of memory foam varies. A good approach is to have a traditional support mattress and add comfort with a memory foam topper like you said.

Not sure where you bought the mattress but there are a number of UK websites selling (Tempur type) mattresses, though they are not even near the quality that should be available.

Richard, if you read my original post you'll see where I got my mattress. In fact I visited your site and found a google banner ad for the same company who supplied my (Comfortsleep) mattress.
I need to get a double mattress topper. Anyone got any info on where to source them in Ireland.