You're entitled to up to 90 litres of wine per person ( over 17) ( of which 60 litres of sparkling wine), which at approx 75 cl a bottle, means about 120 bottles of ordinary wine per person. Mr.V and I regularly go to France- at least once or twice a year to visit relatives and usually stock up on the way home. As Mac said, I would avoid the wine supermarkets near the ferry- and anything around Cherbourg or Roscoff- instead to to the nearest large city and find an E Leclerc- or if there is a wine fair at another supermarket, try there. There are wine specialists in all the larger supermarkets and they will let you taste if you are buying a large quantity and will give recommendations- we have yet to be steered wrongly. I think it is worth it as if you buy 240 bottles, you will save a good amount. At one memorable wine fair we picked up 7 cases of chateau neuf du pape at approx €9 per bottle ( which would retail here at a minimum of €20 and more like €25). A case has 6 bottles. Work that out! Also its easy enough to pick a wine in France- they will be labelled with gold and silver and bronze medals for prize winning wines and someone once told me that if you look for a label where it says bottled by the vineyard it can be a good sign as it means the vineyard is proud of that wine. But we don't just buy bottles at €9 or €10, I like muscadet ( not very fashionable I know)- and you can get a very nice bottle for maybe €3 or €4 or even less- I doubt you could pick up a gold medal muscadet for less than €7 here. And I also like mousseaux, again not very fashionable ( and of course champagne is nicer) but it is very cheap. Although Aldi do a nice one at the moment too.