Availability of acetone?

Sue Ellen

Does anyone know where to buy pure acetone? Have tried loads of art shops, Evans in Mary's Lane, Easons etc. but no joy.
can't get it in Ireland anymore unless you go to a chemist. Not sure but i think you have to sign a form to purchase it. Chemist should know.
Asked in local chemist and pharmaceutical counter in Boots but neither stocked it or were aware of where it could be purchased.
It is classed as a poison and you have to sign for it. Any reputable chemist should have it.
Do you need pure acteone? Would something like nail varnish remover do instead? You're not doctoring cheques or anything I hope!? :D
Pure chemicals can't be bought over the counter. Alot of chemicals can be mixed to make explosives.
You can get pure acetone in beauty salon/nail bar wholesalers.

Pure acetone is used to take off acrylic/gel nails. So if you know anyone that is a beautician and has access to a wholesalers you'll get it there in its purest form...
If that's the case then I'm very surprised that Evans didn't have it as mentioned in the original post!
Do you need pure acteone? Would something like nail varnish remover do instead? You're not doctoring cheques or anything I hope!? :D

Arty daughter has me tormented for ages now to get some for her to remove paint etc. She bought white spirits but it was no use and tried the nail varnish remover but turned that down as well. Women, huh :rolleyes:

I asked in a few chemists but none of them stock it, according to them. Also tried Woodies and a few other paint places like B&Q but no joy there either. Maybe a smaller local paint shop might be a better option. Lenehans said no also.

On the poison front its very hard to do away with [broken link removed]but now there's another option, if I eventually track some down :D

Will have a look at the Lennox site and see what is involved in ordering or might make enquiries at one of the nail bars.

Thanks for all the tips everyone.