Trade Union (IBOA) ignoring my correspondence.

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Registered User
I am a member of a trade union.

I wrote to them some time ago about a work related issue and they completely ignored my correspondence. I wrote again and also sent some emails but all were ignored. Would it be worthwhile making a complaint to ICTU or similar?

The union that I am in produces a glossy magazine, has a fancy website, is constantly looking for new members but won't even acknowledge my correspondence.

Having paid my membership fees for years I feel really let down by them.
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

I'd write right away to:

David Begg
General Secretary
31-32 Parnell Square
Dublin 1
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

Speak to your local trade union rep....
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

had the same problem with the TEEU , great at demanding money,sending letters and mags but totally USELESS when when called upon for money making operation!
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

Unfortunately, Unions have become money making (and spending) machines. Their glossy magazines pass on handy titbits of information on fashion, films and recipes!!

I don't think it is easy to get them to deal with a one off problem. If a number of people are affected then they may be inclined to listen.
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.


Take it you are not a Dub, so ...

If the Union is SIPTU (I assume it is, do not understand why you did not mention union involved), send a call you your regional rep.

Dublin is Patricia King, or Jack O Connor.

Send previous letter to them and demand explanation.
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

I am a member of a trade union. I wrote to them some time ago about a work related issue and they completely ignored my correspondence. I wrote again and also sent some emails but all were ignored. Would it be worthwhile making a complaint to ICTU or similar?
The union that I am in produces a glossy magazine, has a fancy website, is constantly looking for new members but won't even acknowledge my correspondence. Having paid my membership fees for years I feel really let down by them.
Have you considered giving them a call?
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

In my experience Unions are kind of old fashioned/traditional interms of how they operate.

They dont regard themselves as a business or service provider so efforts to engage them on that basis may not work out. They regard themselves as a movement representing the membership as a whole. They tend to do things a verbally and face-to-face or through meetings and committees.

They tend to react with phrases like " a union is only as good as its members" and "why not become a union rep yourself?"
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

Is it Unite by any chance (former Amicus/T&GWU)?
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

Have you considered giving them a call?

Yes,and I asked to speak to a particular individual who was my designated contact. I was told that he was at a meeting and would get the message. The phone call was never returned.

I sent an email and got a response to say that he was out of the office until..... One month after that date and I still have not received a response.

It is not any of the Trade Unions listed above.
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

In my experience Unions are kind of old fashioned/traditional interms of how they operate.

They dont regard themselves as a business or service provider so efforts to engage them on that basis may not work out. They regard themselves as a movement representing the membership as a whole. They tend to do things a verbally and face-to-face or through meetings and committees.

They tend to react with phrases like " a union is only as good as its members" and "why not become a union rep yourself?"

They are not so slow when it comes to making accusations of law-breaking and financial impropriety on the part of employers, nor in demanding speedy replies from said employers in order to "prove their innocence". :(
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

One call and one e-mail ..... maybe ring again ???
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

They are not so slow when it comes to making accusations of law-breaking and financial impropriety on the part of employers, nor in demanding speedy replies from said employers in order to "prove their innocence". :(

Agreed ubi, They can be tough, aggressive and adversarial but still rather old fasioned in the way they operate.
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

Yes,and I asked to speak to a particular individual who was my designated contact. I was told that he was at a meeting and would get the message. The phone call was never returned.

I sent an email and got a response to say that he was out of the office until..... One month after that date and I still have not received a response.

I read this mail, have ya rang yet ??
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

You you spoken face to face with your union rep?

What is the nature of your issue?
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

Having paid monthly union subs for over 8 years does anyone think it strange that my post, my emails and my phone calls are being ignored.

They advertise that they will help people with individual problems with their employer. I can't even get off the starting blocks by getting them to respond to my letter.

I have personal reasons for not discussing anything with the office rep so I went direct to the person who is our nominated rep and based in the union headquarters.

Has anyone ever sought or been given a refund of union subs as I feel I have been paying for a service that did not supply the service?
Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

In my experience Unions are kind of old fashioned/traditional interms of how they operate.

They dont regard themselves as a business or service provider so efforts to engage them on that basis may not work out. They regard themselves as a movement representing the membership as a whole. They tend to do things a verbally and face-to-face or through meetings and committees.

They tend to react with phrases like " a union is only as good as its members" and "why not become a union rep yourself?"

I dont you will have much success trying to get your union dues back.

As I said earlier Trade Unions regard themselves more of a "movement" than a service provider. The tend to do a lot of their business on a "face to face basis" and at committee meetings.

Many years ago when I was unhappy with a particular union I simply resigned. Do you have this option? Are there competing unions in your industry? Have you tried contacting them?

On a related issue what is the broad nature of your issue? Is is the kind of issue this union has taken up in the past (at your work place or elsewhere). It is possible that they regard you as a tiresome crank and that by ignoring you that you will go away? What do your work colleagues think? What do other members of the TU think?

Finally if you are unhappy with your union you could always attempt to set up a breakaway union or association like Brendan Ogle in Irish Rail a few years ago?

Re: Trade Union ignoring my correspondence.

Having paid monthly union subs for over 8 years does anyone think it strange that my post, my emails and my phone calls are being ignored.

They advertise that they will help people with individual problems with their employer. I can't even get off the starting blocks by getting them to respond to my letter.

I have personal reasons for not discussing anything with the office rep so I went direct to the person who is our nominated rep and based in the union headquarters.

Has anyone ever sought or been given a refund of union subs as I feel I have been paying for a service that did not supply the service?

You have no chance of a refund....

Unions are slack with dealing with individual issues, maybe ring his secetary and ask for his/ her mobile, or ask to speak to his boss if he is uncontactable, if you work close to their offices, drop down and kick up hell !!!
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