I was advised that ten days was the length of time it took for the hair to fall out and it proved so. The hairs just fell or rubbed off between 8 and 14 days after treatment. Give it another week at least and resist the temptation to yank any! If they don't fall out then, then the treatment was not successful. Remember, too, that finer and/or lighter hairs are the least responsive to laser treatment.
The cost will depend on the amount of hair to be zapped. If you are looking for three hairs on your chin to be removed, then a single blast in a single session might do it, taking a total of five minutes and costing you under E50. If you want every hair on your underarms removed forever, meaning a fifteen minute session and fifteen zaps per underarm, with six to twelve treatments at a minimum, then expect to shell out over E100 per session, with later sessions perhaps costing less, as there will be fewer hairs to remove. Costs vary dramatically, though.
I went to the BHBC ([broken link removed]) in Cork. I tried a few other places in Cork, but got the best service, the best price and the most effective patch test there. Shopping around paid off greatly and better deals may be available from the greater range of clinics in Dublin. If I were in Dublin and looking for the same service, I'd be booking myself in for patch tests all over the place as freebie mini-sessions - after all, the hair removed in a patch test is just as gone as that removed during the sessions you pay for.
Sessions are pretty brief. You come in and reveal your hairy shame, they clean the area, charge up the machine, cover your eyes and start zapping, with a few seconds between each zap for the machine to recharge. Once the zapping is done, they smear you with soothing stuff like aloe vera and off you go - it's a matter of minutes. You'll be a bit red, maybe, if your skin is sensitive, but not enough to have to hide yourself and the redness is not specific to each follicle (after electrolysis, I'd have to scurry out of public sight, as it would be clear that specific hairs had been treated). The redness was gone by the next day at the latest, in my case and the treatment only hurts for the second it takes to do the actual zapping. Your chin probably won't hurt much, as it's not a very sensitive area, but the upper lip will.
I don't think there's any limit on the extent of an area that can be lasered in one session, unless you're pregnant or have been out in the sun or on a sunbed in the previous 24 hours, in which case, the extent that will be lasered is zero. There are some other medical restrictions, which you should be asked about in the clinic.
I was advised that ten days was the length of time it took for the hair to fall out and it proved so. The hairs just fell or rubbed off between 8 and 14 days after treatment. Give it another week at least and resist the temptation to yank any! If they don't fall out then, then the treatment was not successful. Remember, too, that finer and/or lighter hairs are the least responsive to laser treatment.
The cost will depend on the amount of hair to be zapped. If you are looking for three hairs on your chin to be removed, then a single blast in a single session might do it, taking a total of five minutes and costing you under E50. If you want every hair on your underarms removed forever, meaning a fifteen minute session and fifteen zaps per underarm, with six to twelve treatments at a minimum, then expect to shell out over E100 per session, with later sessions perhaps costing less, as there will be fewer hairs to remove. Costs vary dramatically, though.
I went to the BHBC ([broken link removed]) in Cork. I tried a few other places in Cork, but got the best service, the best price and the most effective patch test there. Shopping around paid off greatly and better deals may be available from the greater range of clinics in Dublin. If I were in Dublin and looking for the same service, I'd be booking myself in for patch tests all over the place as freebie mini-sessions - after all, the hair removed in a patch test is just as gone as that removed during the sessions you pay for.
Sessions are pretty brief. You come in and reveal your hairy shame, they clean the area, charge up the machine, cover your eyes and start zapping, with a few seconds between each zap for the machine to recharge. Once the zapping is done, they smear you with soothing stuff like aloe vera and off you go - it's a matter of minutes. You'll be a bit red, maybe, if your skin is sensitive, but not enough to have to hide yourself and the redness is not specific to each follicle (after electrolysis, I'd have to scurry out of public sight, as it would be clear that specific hairs had been treated). The redness was gone by the next day at the latest, in my case and the treatment only hurts for the second it takes to do the actual zapping. Your chin probably won't hurt much, as it's not a very sensitive area, but the upper lip will.
I don't think there's any limit on the extent of an area that can be lasered in one session, unless you're pregnant or have been out in the sun or on a sunbed in the previous 24 hours, in which case, the extent that will be lasered is zero. There are some other medical restrictions, which you should be asked about in the clinic.