Need Advise:Figuring out hidden costs


Registered User
Just looking for advise on the cost of a new build and some help with pointing out the hidden costs. So Far I've included:

Stamp Duty - 6% of Land
Architect Fees + Planning - €2000 - €3000
Percolation Test - €500
Get land into name (Land Reg.) - €4500 approx.
ESB Connection - €1744
Legal Fees - ??? (not sure of cost)

Also other hidden costs but not sure of pricing: Kitchen, Bathroom suites, Floor covering, windows and doors.

Please if anyone can add to this with giving rough prices for Kitchens etc and also if anyone else can see other hidden costs that I have not included. Any advise if appreciated.
I know each build is different but just a rough estimation, also another questions when people say that the cost is €80-€100 per sq ft what does this include just blocks?
You also need to include county council levy. Depending on where you are in the country this can be fixed fee for all applications or based on size of house cost per sq/ft.

hidden costs will also include water supply to house depends if you will be near mains supply. also you can expect to pay approx €3000 for a waste treatment system.

I'm in the middle of a self build in the midlands and I estimate that my costs for a fairly high spec 2700sq ft house will be approx 110/sq ft.

I think people can get a bit caught up in the whole cost per sq/ft thing. A better way to cost your house is to break it down into seperate chunks like the foundation to ffl, blockwork, roof, insulation, plumbing, electrical, plastering. These costs are pretty easy to work out using quantities and the only real variable is cost of labour.
While labour rates are getting more competitive over the last few months material costs are increasing so its evens out.
Land registry costs seem very high?!!!

Other hidden costs water connection/well drilling
Phone connection
Any potential land problems sand/rock etc

Kitchen PC Sum €15k
Depending on number of bathrooms allow €4k each
Windows without knowing size and what type of windows you want its hard to tell!

€80-€100 is for a builders finish house to be furnished and painted landscaped!
OK - not to scare you but we've only just started and so far the hidden costs are HUGE!
5k to LCC for permission to build (brown envelopes in disguise!). At least 10k in hardcore, drainage etc. to prepare site. 5k in percolation tests, consultancy, construction of a raised percolation bed (imported T10 topsoil * 15 truckloads!). Structural engineer required fpr build as site proved more difficult once opened up (another 9k!) - now have a geologist involved (1.5k) to survey to a depth of 20m due to problems we are having on excavation. Ok - hopefully none of this will happen to you but I think they are called HIDDEN costs as until you are into the ground, you don't necessarily know what is coming your way! Eircom want 4k for example to service us with a line (11k total - they'll pay 7k) - rural build BTW up a mountain!
Hi All
Thank you so far for your responses. Just to answer a few of your questions, the new build will be in the Carlow area so not sure what the county council levy fee will be (guessing I could find this on thier website). Looking to build a bunaglow of 2000 sq ft, water mains are near by running down by the site and nearby esb pole so thank God no extra's necessary there.
In relation to Jollyman, yeah I thought that Land Reg. fee seemed abit expensive but this is what my solicitor told me, I might just give them a call and ask them does this incl. thier fee.
Daddycool thanks for your response wow thats expensive for hidden costs without even laying a block. Yes I am scared however the site we are looking to build on is on the flat and looks to be good soil but you never know untill you start to dig! Wish me good luck on that one.
This is great as I'm really getting an idea of a rough costing, thank you again to your responses.
Zee Dee if you want to send me an e-mail @ i can give you access to my blog it should be of help!
I sent a cheque to my solicitor last week for land registry €591!

To get my house to floor level has cost me €46k
you havent included any fee for the inspections and certification of the dwelling, which is a must, at probably €2000.

lets be honest.... Kitchen, Bathroom suites, Floor covering, windows and doors. etc are not 'hidden' costs, theyre just something you havent costed yet.

'hidden costs' really are costs that arise above and beyond the usual project costs...
then main one that are 'forgotten' about are:
maintainence costs of waster water treatment systems, price to move ESB poles (separate from connection fees), public water connection fee (if any), hiring of crane if necessary, extra costs of foundations because of site conditions (ie raft vrs strip etc) do window / door costs include supply 'and fit'?, remedial work to floors by tiler, entrance construction and finishing, drive finishing, landscaping costs, etc ad naseum
Apologies Sydthebeat hidden costs not the right heading I guess. I was just trying to incl. costs I could see in the hope that other people would post up items I didn't see and so far all responses are so helpful.

I just need to get a rough estimate so all info is helpful and appreciated, also I thought that €80-€100 sq ft pricing referred to just the blocks and roof.
Apologies Sydthebeat hidden costs not the right heading I guess. I was just trying to incl. costs I could see in the hope that other people would post up items I didn't see and so far all responses are so helpful.

I just need to get a rough estimate so all info is helpful and appreciated, also I thought that €80-€100 sq ft pricing referred to just the blocks and roof.

generally the builders quote of betwen 80 - 100 is for a finish that you can actually move into... .bathrooms fittings included etc.
They generally like to leave the kitchens to the client to pick and choose, just remember to do this before the first fix electricial.... as i have often seen people get kitchens installed with no reflection as to where the had chosen sockets, switches etc.

regarding costs that may arise with foundations... it may be worth your while to get a digger on site for a morning and dig 4 test holes roughly where external corners of dwelling will be. Get your selected architect / engineer out... or even your builder, he should have just a good knowledge.... to check that the ground conditions are such that a strip found will do.. or whether it may need a specialist found designed.

contact ESB, they generally send someone out on site and then send you on a quote for connection and any extras such as poles moved / erected etc

jollymans blog is a great place to start.....
Give some thought along these lines:

Council fees
Water - borehole or mains service
Waste Treatment unit
Site insurance
Lock up container
Security gates (hired or bought)
Buying small bits of useful equipment - Generator / drills / saws
Heavy Plant & Tool Hire
Skip HireTeleporter
Engineer / architect certification
QS - bill of quantities
Site clearance & preparation (as mentioned is unpredictable depending on ground conditions)
Ground Floor Level:
Tanking (for level changes)
Floor insulation
Radon barrier
Always add in an amount for misc during each stage. General bits and pieces you need from builder's supplier's have a habit of adding up.

Above Ground:
Timberframe / blocks & labour
General labour
Plumbing & heating (standard / solar / geothermal / wood pellets etc)
Dry lining
Floor levelling / screeding
Laying floors
Front door
Internal doors
Fascia & Soffit

Fit out:
Wood floors
Architrave / skirting
Curtains / blinds

Entrance (per planning conditions)
Decking / patio
Subsoil / topsoil
retaining walls

PS: Don't forget your commencement notice

Apologies Sydthebeat hidden costs not the right heading I guess. I was just trying to incl. costs I could see in the hope that other people would post up items I didn't see and so far all responses are so helpful.

I just need to get a rough estimate so all info is helpful and appreciated, also I thought that €80-€100 sq ft pricing referred to just the blocks and roof.

zeedee whereabouts in Carlow?

I just started a self build in Carlow I can give you an idea of costs etc.

Carlow Council fees for a 2000 sq ft house are about €3,000

Pm me if don't want to discuss it in public
Thanks Andy H for this, there are things in this list that I had totally forgotten about. Excellant thanks again

just about ready to build in carlow too. 5000 to council for 3000 sq ft house (not paid over yet.)