

Registered User
Hi on advise I am using LLL to enquire about Bray as a general area. Thanks to those of you for your advise regarding new develpments. I know every town has good and bad areas but as I am not familiar with Bray I would apriciate any advice regarding a good area/estate to move to with a young family.

I have sent you a PM, but perhaps it might help other posters if you gave a better indication of what you're after - apartment, terraced house, semi-d house, detached house, number of bedrooms, age of house...even a price range might help!

Bray is a very large town and is spread over a big area and we could be naming housing estates for the rest of the day!
Cheers for the advice stresshead

I am looking for a 3 bed house with a garden terreced, semi or detached, in the region of 450,000 euro's.
[broken link removed]

It's in Killarney Park which is a quiet estate (a few of my friends grew up there). About a 15 min walk to the main street.

[broken link removed]

Mountain view Drive. The estate itself is grand but theres a few places nearby that can be a bit dodgy further from the main street than the house above prob about a 25 min walk (am open to correction itself)

I live in Woodbrook Glen. Great estate. Corke Abbey is close by too. Plenty of 3 bed semi-d's for around the 450 mark. Though when they come up for sale, they are whipped up fairly quickly. It's at the Shankill (north) side of the town, about 10-15 min walk from the main st. The advantage of that side of town is that you can get a nitelink from Dublin to the woodbrook roundabout (about a 5 min walk from estate) any night of the week. Can only get nitelink to main st and beyond on Fridays and Saturdays. Taxis are fairly expensive to Bray, so this is real advantage I think. I guess it depends on how often you head into town. I don't all that often, but it's great when I do. And if you happen to snooze off, it's the last stop, so you're laughing!
[broken link removed]=
This one's 475. I rather the layout of the houses in the centre of the park though, the fairways and the grove. There's a kitchen come dining room and a seperate living room, as opposed to a living room come dining room and a seperate kitchen. When we have friends over for dinner we generally end up hanging out in the kitchen come dining room for the night. The grove is my favourite, as the houses are not on the main thoroughfare into the park.
I love Bray in general. You can never beat a brisk walk down on the seafront. Really clears the head.
What with the luas more than likely coming to the town and a new retail + residential development at the site of the old Bray golf club (between woodbrook and town) all happening in the next few years, I reckon Bray is a good investment too. Perfect place!

I live on the far side of Bray (the Greystones side), and just on the nitelinks -

there is a Dublin Bus 84N at 02.00 and 04.00 (€4) that goes all the way to Greystones

There's also a Finnegans privately-run nitelink at 01:00 and 03:00 (€5) which does a circuitous route of Bray servicing most of the estates (it leaves me outside my door!)

Not as frequent as the 7N to Woodbrook but you have a bus every hour from 1:00

Also, due to the new taxi regulations the drivers can no longer say "Bray is off the meter", I got home from the city centre on Friday night for €27 which was grand between 3 of us who were feeling particularly lazy!
We have just bought in Bray, having being renting there for over 3 years now very happily. We did sit it out, pulled out of a house in Wicklow Town thank god and we have bought a 3 bed semi just off the Killarney Road in Bray for under the asking price. It's good time to buy at the moment, alot of houses in Bray are slow to sell at the moment and have been reduced in price so the EA are for once willing to negotiate. I have noticed several properties that are on the market since May/June and still not sold. You just have to keep a very close eye on Estate Agents windows and
[broken link removed]= this is on the market for ages.
and so is this, just two examples for you.
[broken link removed] this one is overpriced in my opinion, it's tiny but a nice estate just off the N11 but you may be able to negotiate.

Good luck!, I like Bray. My son has just started school and he loves it and it's lovely place to bring up kids, lots to do.

Most estate agents feel that the reason properties are taking slightly longer to sell is because they feel people are waiting to see what the governemnt will do with the stamp duty in the Dec budget and that the market will take off again in the new year for several reasons.

1. Any increase in stamp duty thresholds will only give 1st time buyers more money to bid with as it did two years ago.

2. As interest rates increase banks reduce the amount people can borrow, therefore people currently only able to borrow enough for a starter home need to buy now or may not be able to borrow enough as interest rates increases resultin banks lending them less.

Prices are still going up, its the rate at which they are increaing that has gone down.