Envirocare information needed


Registered User
can anybody tell me where I can get information on the Envirocare waste treatment system or any other suitable similar system. Google hasn't been much help!
I have just checked envirocares web site and its under construction still. They can be contacted on 1800 20 3000.

I have been looking at a few systems and I am going to go for their one.

Here are a few websites

Many thanks Ruffmutt, I managed to get a brochure from a friend of mine. Also think I'm going to go with their system as well.
Envirocare don't seem to be to keen on using the web - but after looking at several others we ended up going with them last year. They provide supervision for the install (many others don't) and the fact that Kingspan own them probably means they will be around for a while. They do an annual service for about €100 a year - we are due ours soon.
I paid 3178 inc Vat for the P6 unit (not pumped) - this was below the original quote - they reduced the price when I mentioned (truthfully) that I had seen a few other suppliers. So - hold out for a lower price - have a few brochures from competitors lying around.
The installation was done as part of the general digging and groundworks - so an exact price for that is hard to work out- but it was in the region of 400. Envirocare offer to provide a contractor to install - i think they mentioned something like 1000 to do that? Not sure though.
Klargester was another one I looked at - also owned now by Kingspan . Not well known here but big in Europe an UK.
irishlinks - Did you get an Agreement certificate from them??
Did it have to quote you Planning ref on it?
bertson said:
irishlinks - Did you get an Agreement certificate from them??
Did it have to quote you Planning ref on it?

Yes- I got a 5 yr service agreement cert - which the local council wanted a copy of. It cost 700 for 5 yrs.
Defamatory post deleted

bertson please be careful. It's my house on the line not yours.

Brendan Burgess
I bought Envirocare P6 two months ago and have nothing but problems. Garden has been finished but it looks like Envirocare unit will have to come back out.
What problems are you having? I get bad smells now and then - mainly in hot weather. We are getting it serviced soon I hope and emptied. Just wondering what type of trouble you are having?