Birthday present suggestions


Registered User
Would be grateful if anyone could make some suggestions for a birthday present for my wife's "special" birthday.

She's already "done" the Powerscourt thing a couple of time and while she liked the experience, she wasn't raving about it. I suspect competing companies would offer something better but would be grateful for the benefit of any experiences the AAM community would have.

An alternative that might interest her is the sort of personalised style/dress advice of the kind provided by that pair on the beeb (Trinny, Tranny or something). Again though, don't know where to start. Any help appreciated.
What about a voucher for an image consultant. (sligo) My friend got voucher and spent the day with the consultant going around the shops. She gave advice on colours, sizes etc etc - and she does make up lessons etc etc.
If you do a google on it perhaps?
It might sound obvious but what about jewellery ... especially if it is a special birthday ... a girl can never have too many diamonds!
Magoo, now that the search facility is back, it would be worth searching for answers to similar questions. ClubMan in particular has made lots of creative gift suggestions in the past.
Magoo said:
Would be grateful if anyone could make some suggestions for a birthday present for my wife's "special" birthday.
A "special" ironing board?
And if you can't stretch to a designer ironing board, there are [broken link removed].
There's a new destination spa opened in Enniscorthy, it's the only spa of its kind in Ireland and is in the top 10 spas of the world. Check out , it's much nicer than powerscourt and alot more luxurious. BTW, 'Destination Spa' means you stay overnight.
I can highly recommend for a weekend - though make sure you book the treatments before you go

'Color Me Beautiful' have image consultants all over the country - havent tried them myself yet ( and others)

It depends on your wife's tastes but i like the idea of personalised wine - it would even be a nice touch in addition to a spa/night out etc.
[broken link removed]
for a "special birthday", suggest a weekend away with good food and wine and then present her with a special piece of jewellery. you only live once and this is your wife so splash a little cash around.
Thanks for the suggestions. Will check them all out.

I think the Ironing Board would make it difficult for me to walk, onces it's been "disposed of".
i agree with Lorna - a weekend away, the best present can be your undivided attention and time spent as a couple together. But I would think a nice bit a bling would be a safe back-up!