Rent reviews


Registered User
Well we received the 90 day notice that the Landlord and Letting agent want to increase our rent by 300 a month to over 1700. However they looked to increase the rent last year, but we fought our corner demonstrating we were already over paying for the area. The agent and landlord agreed to leave the rent at the same value then.
My question is 'Was this a valid rent review as the rent did not change and does it invalidate the request for rent review this year?'
My question is 'Was this a valid rent review as the rent did not change and does it invalidate the request for rent review this year?'
You entered into a negotiation where there was a possibility of the rent being adjusted. You examined the market and agreed upon a rate. Sounds like a rent review to me.
I'd make a lowball "goodwill" counteroffer (say 5%), without prejudice, and with the caveat that if they don't agree, the RTB can settle the question of whether they are allowed to demand review this year. If they do agree, this resets the clock for 24 months - possibly better than a "win" this year and a huge hike next year.

On the question of price, the landlord conceded that you were paying the market rate (or more) last year. Their €300 figure suggests that the market rate has risen more than 20% in the last 12 months. From Daft's Q1 report, no area of Dublin has risen more than 11%.
I agree with trasneoir that a rent review was held last year and that the no review is possible until next year. As he suggests, a small increase might be better this year which would set the net increase in 2 years time with the provisor you are agreeing to the rent increase as suggested by yourself is accepted otherwise no increase until next year.

You may find that next year the rents have already hit their peak and may start to fall or at least hold steady again.