Forums have been reorganized

Brendan Burgess


What do you think of the new forum order?

we have made Affordable Housing etc sub-forums, to see how it works.

If it works, we could make some other sub-forums e.g. Overseas Property Investment might be a sub-forum of Property Investment.

Ok I don't like it! Too many extra clicks needed to access Management Conpanies. I usually acres via iPod and every click counts!
Sorry- I do not like the new format. When the heading was for management companies- this was the first to be read every time. It is too cumbersome to find now. As someone involved in we paid special attention to this forum and our membership posted replies on queries raised by posters under the management companies heading.
Really don't like the new layout - it's all over the place!

I agree - far too many forums in AAM now also imo. Many of these forums are not mutually exclusive so it's often hard initially to see which is the correct forum in which to ask a question. If I was prone to starting new threads ( which I'm not ) this would dissuade me from doing so. Maybe that's the idea !;)
Bare with us, we are working on it. There will probably be more changes, and some relearning involved for everybody.

But just imagine what it's like for a new visitor to the site at the moment, if you "can't find anything" with these relatively minor changes!
i dont think the new layout is that bad.

At first i was a bit " where has everything gone" But you get used to it very quickly.
I agree - far too many forums in AAM now also imo. Many of these forums are not mutually exclusive so it's often hard initially to see which is the correct forum in which to ask a question.

Hi demoivre

We review the forums from time to time to streamline them.

We had such a review recently and made some minor changes. For example, moving Home Energy out of Homes & Gardens which seems to me to have worked very well.

There will always be some overlap, but I reckon it's minimal.

What changes would you suggest?

Getting rid of Budget 2009 is on my ToDo list.

A voice of support - I actually like the new layout.

TBH, thought it was a bit convoluted/muddled at first but it has grown on me. More logical in some ways and less of an initial onslaught of forums/categories than previously.
I don't like the new layout. There are too any sub forums. I liked being able to see, at a glance, the new posts in each forum. I can no longer do that for the new sub-forums e.g. the IT/Broadband forum, the Best Buys, Cars & Motoring. Instead of getting a quick, high level overview at once, I now need to click into 5-6 forums to see if there are any new posts :( Too many clicks...its also a little overwhelming as there are so many links crammed into a small space, especially at the top with two forums and seven sub-forums, which looks very cramped.