ISP Phone Numbers



I've signed up to the UTV Talk scheme which allows free evening phone calls to local and national numbers. I'm now looking for a phone number so that I can use the Internet in the evening for free. Can anyone supply a number? Thanks for any replies.
I think you're probably thinking of, who used to offer a full range of local prefixes but have lately changed to a "non-geographic" 1890 94 66 94 offering.

I wonder did they come under pressure from the likes of UTV/Euphony, etc.? :(

See my related post ...

Dr. M.

Ooops, sorry meant! I didn't realise they had changed to an 1890 number - I'm still using the old 01 number they had and it works fine! I'll try and dig it out this evening if I think of it.
Re: Doh

It's 061-260002 for the Limerick area, if that's any use to anyone..?

But I'd imagine they'll eventually get around to closing down those lines. Does anyone know of any other ISPs that offer local dial-up (as opposed to 189x)?
isp numbers

I wonder would elive's change to an 1890 number have anything to do with the guy last week who asked euphony could he use elive via a local number. ???
See the doc's previous postings on euphony from last week
Hi Guys,

All of Elive's local dial-up numbers still work!

Lets say Euphony's free minutes were getting some abuse so I hear!

There's any 1890 number on site instead....

Anyone but EIRCOM!!
01 2461031

If you are a Euphony customer heard that they have blocked all of these dial-up numbers for using as free minutes.

Crappy! 1890 94 66 94 works fine though...
...they have blocked all of these dial-up numbers for using as free minutes.

Yeah, bit of a swizz, that. I got my second bill from them yesterday and there's a note on the front of it saying that any calls to ISP numbers are going to be charged from 1st November... :(

Must have a look at that offering you mentioned in your other thread, libra...

Dr. M.

Anyone else heard that their line rental is only EUR 18???
uh, no? Where did you get this from, libra?]