No progress without deeds



My future mother in law inherited a small form after the death of her late husband 25 years ago. Since that time the property has been let to various local farmers and her only dealings with the land is to collect her rent annually. There is a derlict house on the property that she is willing to sell to me. However, search as we might, no one can locate the deeds to the property. Without these my solicitor does not wish to proceed with the deal. Is there anywhere that certified copies or replacment deeds can be got or is there any other way of proceeding. John
Life surely moves slowly in the world of property transactions. I have finally laid my hands on a certified copy of the revelent folio. Could anyone tell me is this sufficent to proceed or do I still need the original title deeds. John
The folio should tell you if the original land certificate has issued or not- however you should ensure the folio you have is up to date before checking- i.e is it an old one you discovered lying around the house or have you just obtained it from the land registry. If you have just obtained it, have a look at the front page at the bottom. If it says No L.C., then there are no title deeds issued and you can immediately proceed. If it says Land Certificate issued, then go to the page where the registered owner details are and check on the left hand side or below the details of the registered owner where it should say where the land certificate issued to. Your mother in law can then obtain these, assuming the land is in her name. If the land is not in her name then she will have to go about getting it into her name before she can sell part to you. Her solicitor will advise.