Move from one public sector body to another ? Pension


New Member

I'm hoping someone might be able to answer my query:
I started working in the HSE in 1999 so under my pension scheme the minimum age I can retire at is 60.
I have been offered a job at a higher grade in a county council.
If I move from one public sector body to another will my pension keep going as it is - would I still have the option to retire at 60?

Thanks for replies in advance
You will still considered a pre 2005 once you not break your service by 6 months.

Get a service letter from the HSE superannuation dept and keep a copy safe.
Just curious, does your sick leave record generally transfer as well, so when they are doing the 4 year and 1 year look back, what figures do they use.
Just curious, does your sick leave record generally transfer as well, so when they are doing the 4 year and 1 year look back, what figures do they use.

My understanding is that all that goes between the pensions departments is a flat service figure. I'm not familiar with the 4 year and 1 year look backs your refer too. However, if you are moving grade then only allowances accrued at your new grade will be considered in your best 3 in 10 calculation at retirement. Also if you retire within three years of moving to the new grade, final salary will be averaged between your old grade and new grade, based on time spent in each grade over the previous three years.
Just curious, does your sick leave record generally transfer as well, so when they are doing the 4 year and 1 year look back, what figures do they use.
It should. I've had to complete forms for staff moving to another HSE area on a different payroll and there is sections for the sick leave record plus other leaves like parental, where there is 'limits'.