Central Bank praises vulture funds for embracing fast-track debt deals for older mortgage holders


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  1. The CB are finally realising that interest only into retirement and for lifetime if necessary is NOT unsustainable and is a legitimate solution in some cases?
  2. Maybe they'll eventually allow regular non vulture fund lenders to employ such solutions?
Such solutions where there was positive equity was already a feature of guidance issued by the CB to them in 2014 !!

But they all as a group would not let mortgages go past 70. As a PIP I have two such arrangements one to 85 and the other to 90 but not with a mainstream bank.
Thanks @Raging Bull - so it was the (mainstream) lenders rather than the CB that stood in the way of deploying solutions such as interest only into retirement or for life?
Yes but having said that house prices have risen a lot since 2014. Maybe a case looked at in 2016 was unsustainable at no equity whereas now it could be...…….All I ever heard in court was the Central bank said we cant do it...which when you read the document is not the case
Hi Raging Bull

While that document is interesting, banks are not as free to extend loans as you suggest.


And my understanding is that if they do offer this solution, the loan will be classified as a Non Performing Loan and therefore they will have to provide additional capital against it which means in practice that they cannot do it.

The funds are not subject to these capital requirements and so have an advantage over the banks. They can buy the loans from the banks and keep them for the long term.
